Posted on Jul 27, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Should you add these to your Leadership toolbox - 6 Leadership Lessons To Learn By Next Year? SEE ENTIRE ARTICLE BELOW

By Aleksandr Noudelman
Experienced Educator & Fitness Coach

Here are 6 leadership lessons we should all learn by 2016.

1. Make Time For Personal Growth
As a leader, you already know how important of a resource time is. As you work to grow your organization in 2016, you will notice that time will become even more valuable. Free up some time to learn, grow and lean in to what's important to you, and inevitably, your business as well. As well, challenge yourself to be more open to opinions, ideas and suggestions from others.

2. Avoid Isolation
Effective leaders know that isolating yourself from the rest of your team is like shooting yourself in the foot. Being transparent about your goals, challenges and vision is important to developing a strong team as well as organization.

3. Understand Motivation
Effective leaders are motivated by different things and in different ways. Taking the time to figure out how you can motivate the various personality types in 2016 throughout your organization will make for more productive and satisfied employees.

4. Take Risks
In 2016, don't be afraid to take risks. According to Seth Godin, if you never take risks, you will never succeed. Effective leaders know how to take calculated risks because they know that it is in the best interest of their organization. No matter what happens, remain confident in your ability to lead and be steadfast in your decision-making skills.

5. Preach Selflessness
Effective leaders will always put others ahead of themselves, take santa claus for example. They believe in working as a team and know that there's strength in numbers.

6. Lead With The Why
Find the meaning and make connection between the work you do and why it affects a lot of people. Be sure to share your vision with employees and clients so they can help spread it.
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 7
LTC John Shaw
COL Mikel J. Burroughs I like each individual point, but I struggle to see the connection intended by the author. Each must be adopted as stand alone components.
Time for Personal Growth
Avoid Isolation
Understand Motivation
Take Risks
Preach Selflessness
Lead with the Why
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
LTC John Shaw Totally agree. Sometimes the individuals posting stories or articles on LinkedIn don't connect the dots. I just wanted to share the individual points with the RP Nation (some as reminder and some as "wake-up" call for action) before the year is out. Not all the articles I've come across are the best reads or provide a correct roadmap. It is what it is!
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CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
Great post as usual Sir. These are very important and great points to consider and implement to increase your overall success as a Leader and as a person. I think that 1, 2 and 4 have personally helped me as a growing Leader throughout my career.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
CW4 (Join to see) Great - keep growing!
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CPT Military Police
Sir I like these and I would like to add one.
Who is they and what relevance do "they" have. Have you ever heard yourself say "They said...."
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) Good point - thanks
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