I deployed to Afghanistan OEF 11-12. I obviously didn't have it as bad as some other veterans such as my father. But just wishing this past year I'll have random spurts of insomnia and my brain will convince me that someone is watching me, in my house, etc. Am I the only one who has experienced this?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
No. I didn't experience symptoms until I retired, too much time on my hands. Didn't get diagnosed until I went to the VA to get a prescription refilled during an interview they dropped the bomb! I never suspected. i should have, after three wives, outburst of anger, seeing what i called shadow people, faint smell of diesel fuel and only sleeping for 1/2 hr to 2 hrs a night, the list goes on. Let someone know what's going on with you. New studies show that the earlier PTSD is discovered the better chances of dealing and managing yourself.
You may not have PTSD, it could be that something else is just stressing you out. The only way to know is to talk to a pro. Don"t wait please do it soon. Good luck and Blessings.
You may not have PTSD, it could be that something else is just stressing you out. The only way to know is to talk to a pro. Don"t wait please do it soon. Good luck and Blessings.
SSG Steven Dowell
These "shadow people" sound kinda like what I think I see sometimes. Someone in my periferials and when I look nobody was ever there. I find myself clearing my house multiple times a night as well. But I have a VA claims meeting soon, hopefully they will give some insight.
CPT (Join to see)
Could be, that's how I see my little "buddies", glad you're going to the VA, make sure you mention ALL your symptoms. my prayers are with you:-)
SSG (Join to see)
That shows a lot of courage to share your story and ask others to take care of themselves and their brothers and sisters as well, sir. Thank you for your words.
Yes you need to go get help. I ignored symptoms of PTSD shortly after I retired. I am now building a new life sence I have got it under control.
SSG Steven Dowell
That's great news! I already set up an appointment since I'm in the SFL-TAP program (used to be ACAP). Thank you for this. Let's me know it's not permanent
Don't take it lightly, seek help and get the help. PTSD doesn't have a time table
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