Posted on Jul 26, 2015
CPT Military Police
To help ourselves and to help others we need to be able to recognize the sings of addiction and be honest with ourselves or others about the need to get help. Asking for or receiving help is not a sign of weakness. Getting help may extend your life for many years and or a person you care about.
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Responses: 9
LTC John Shaw
CPT (Join to see) Nice article and a good reminder that unhealthy addiction happen to all families regardless of background. My Grandfather was a chronic alcoholic and I have a brother-in-law who is a compulsive gambler. Sadly, both left a trail of broken relationships in their wake.
As a Nazarene, we generally avoid these behaviors as unworthy of our faith in Christ. However, just because my faith background discourages any use doesn't mean that people don't use or get addicted, it happens like in many other parts of society.
This is why I believe in mental health counseling, we need more of it and more frequently to encourage the healthiest possible behaviors and good choices in all citizen's lives.
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CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
Not always. I recognized that one of my Soldiers in Germany was an alcoholic, but the signs were glaring. He was late to formation all the time, work performance dropped, barracks room in shambles, no money, getting into fights and I could smell the alcohol on him from time to time. That was easy. I also had a battle buddy that was doing drugs and I had no clue until after he finally came up hot on a UA. After he came up hot and admitted to his addiction, I was able to start to put the pieces together. Both of the instances occurred when I was a junior SSG. I would like to think that today as an older and wiser leader, I would be able to indentify people who need help much easily than before.
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SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
I'm addicted to video games, comic books, and toys. Also I have a Pringles Pizza flavor addiction.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
9 y
I'm so addicted to Angry Birds and Mahjonng it's not even funny. It's always ok, just one more game...and next thing I know it's 2am. lol
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