The balance between "minding your own business" and making "spot corrections".
I see every day where some soldiers (all different ranks) like to go around and make "spot corrections". For example, a group of soldiers is filling sand bags and the NCOIC allowed the workers to take their tops off. Then someone on their way to Starbucks diverts their course to go over and tell them that they need to "stay in uniform" and then resumes their course to Starbucks. And then there's the famous "Hey you should be wearing your PT belt if you are going to run on the street during the hours of darkness" even though the post policy was just changed allowing soldiers to NOT have to wear their PT belt when running in civies.
At what point do we get past the point of saying "Hooah! Thank you for correcting me!" and politely tell the annoying "corrector" to go find a mission somewhere and mind their own business? There are corrections in accordance with a regulation and/or a policy and then there are subjective opinions that certain people force on us under the illusion of their authority based on their rank. Just because we outrank someone and think we have good idea doesn't mean that we should have the audacity/arrogance to go and order them to do something unless we have a document backing it up. I personally have enough to do getting my own mission accomplished. Unless it involves life/limb/eyesight, I'm staying in my lane and wish others would do the same. Uphold the standards, but stick to written standards, not arbitrary ones out of "AR 600-my opinion" enforced by "PC Rangers".
This is extremely prevalent on Bagram right now. I got chewed out for wearing a fleece cap (we've had 20-30 degree weather sporadically for a few months now) by a SFC that purposely blocked my path just to tell me that it was too warm to be wearing a fleece cap and gloves. I later found out that the camp policy is that it's to be worn during cold weather, with no stipulation of what exact temperature is considered "cold."
Stupid little things like this irk me. It really does seem like some folks just run out of things to work on, and need to make those OER/NCOER bullets like "Enforced AR 670-1 TO THE LETTER 24/7". It's silliness.