Posted on Nov 19, 2013
PFC Norman Hanley
As I walked out of a pub in Canada, a guy sitting at an
outside table said (with that thick Irish brogue), “So, you voted for Obama, did ya?” My Wife  was with me and she said, “Yes; I did,”
to which he replied, “Finally — someone honest; I knew somebody in
America had to vote for him.” We stayed and talked to him for another
hour and a half, becoming friends in the process. I’ve traveled to a
few other countries since my time in the military and I have to say,
from my own personal experience, that much of the world holds a dim view
of America right now, especially in terms of policy and leadership. If
you think I’m wrong, but you haven’t been out of the country for a
while, then I urge you to travel and see for yourself. My own view is
that America’s diplomatic corps may have a couple of decades of hard
work to do (repairing friendships with countries and organizations
Posted in these groups: Iraq war WarfareEga Marine Corps
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Responses: 2
SPC Sql/Business Intelligence Consultant
It has. I have travelled a lot during the "Bush Years" and early Obama administration years. The US War on Terror is not viewed favorably outside of US. People view the US police actions as un necessary and profit/oil oriented. Iraqi refugees living in US also consider the US wars on terror as a bad idea.
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SFC James Baber
Most other countries are viewing us as weak because of the current administration, they see how he bows to other leaders when it is not called for and apologizes for America when it is way unnecessary and uncalled for, he has made us into the worlds new weak no longer super power in the world's eyes.
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