Posted on Jul 23, 2015
PVT Angelo Velez
What was the worst thing you have done in basic training. Any stories or anything dumb that maybe someone else did while you were in basic training.
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Responses: 86
SPC Supply Sergeant (S4)
Told the drill Sgt that Jesus is always with me when he asked where my battle buddy was when I didn't have one.
SPC Supply Sergeant (S4)
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
lets say that my upper body was in pretty good shape.
TSgt Ncoic, Cyber Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
I did the same thing at a Wingman/Teamwork building event. But I had Comics with me (I'm a nerd). When one of our LTs asks where my Wingman was, I told him I had Charles Xavier with me, I'm good....not the brightest move.
SPC James Ashmore
SPC James Ashmore
5 y
I kind of like that answer. If the DS had a good sense of humor, they would have rolled with it.
Cpl Rob Chenoweth
Cpl Rob Chenoweth
5 y
If Jesus was with you, who was with your BB? Lol

Love that answer.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
So no sh*t, there I was at Ft Leonard Wood, MO in 1993 in the summer. It was FTX time, and the DS has us half circled around the tent as it was hot and he didn't want to be in the sun. So, he is giving us some sort of speech about the upcoming night infiltration course. At the end of his pep talk, he tosses a practice grenade. Naturally, we all scatter. As I am running away, my ankle clips this tree stump real hard. Hurt like hell. Apparently we didn't run away fast enough so he calls us back, rips us a new one, and tosses it again. This time, since my ankle was screaming, I limped away. Naturally, he deemed we were not fast enough again, so he calls us back for another ass chewing. Tosses that damn thing one more time. This time, I just stand there. Only movement I did was watch everyone else run away. Oh, this was not smart on my part. DS calls me and one other guy into the tent (all flaps and sides are rolled up by the way) and smokes the ever loving sh*t out of us for about 30 mins. I didn't know I could do so many front back gos and low crawls so fast and in such a small area. When the smoking was done, he gives me and the other guy a talking. Then he TOSSES THAT DAMN GRENADE again. This time, I ran my ass off.......................right into one of the tent peg ropes. Caught me right across the throat. I literally went horizontal and then landed flat (and I mean flat as a board straight) onto my back. Laid there for a few minutes stunned.

Lesson Learned: Look where you run.
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
5 y
When I was in Basic at Ft. Knox, they told us early on that they would never throw a dummy grenade into the latrines, even though anywhere else we should react as though they were real.
Naturally, they did throw one in there. I was coming out of the shower and saw it, so I reflexively soccer kicked it back out the door as I yelled "grenade," then dove back past the wall into the showers. This was apparently the right move... still seems kind of dumb to me, though.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
5 y
SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - And I felt every moment of that bad luck
SFC Case Manager
SFC (Join to see)
5 y
You could of been a hero and dove on the grenade......ha ha ha
Melissa Didericksen Didericksen
Melissa Didericksen Didericksen
3 y
Your ankle and throat still okay? Sounds similar to what happened when my son was in training tho there were sharp incidents, fractured ankle, and missed supper cause of being smoked.
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A1C Josiah Crowden
Our chow hall was under construction and instead of eating at candy land (322nd), we went to another chow hall. Standing there in formation my eye caught a beautiful female MTI walk by, naturally most of us glanced since we hadn't seen a female for weeks and she didn't let our glances go unreprimanded she picked me and started chewing me out asking, "Do you like what you see?!" "Yes Ma'am," I responded quickly! "Well! Take a picture it'll last longer," she screamed in my face! I asked her for a camera like an ignorant cocky trainee that was about to do push-ups till My arms were past burning by every MTI within earshot of my statement. I literally felt like an insignificant worm with around 6 MTIs circling me like prey. However years later, I caught wind that a female MTI was discharged for posing in playboy and it was none other than Ssgt. Michelle Manhart, and needless to say I got my picture in the end!
SFC Greg Bruorton
SFC Greg Bruorton
7 y
That's a winning story!
Cpl Rob Chenoweth
Cpl Rob Chenoweth
5 y
MSgt It Specialist
MSgt (Join to see)
5 y
lucky Troop... :)
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
5 y
You can't top that unless your Dad walked on the Moon!
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