Posted on Jul 22, 2015
Is it simple ignorance or blatant disrespect to walk into the WWII memorial pool?
Responses: 15
Less than a week ago, I was in DC with my two oldest kids and my father. I was talking about the various monuments and their meanings... dad stuff. Some of it made an impression - my daughter busied herself building the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument in Minecraft - others like the Wall did not quite register yet.
It was a hot July day in the 90's and we were walking by the Reflecting Pool. There were a number of people wading in the water. The kids wanted to jump in real bad, begging "can we go in, daddy?" with their big brown eyes. We were nearing the Lincoln Memorial, so I told them no and them showed them why the Reflecting Pool was there. You could see the Washington Monument waving in the pool, the image disturbed by the waders. "Ohhh. They're not supposed to be in there, are they daddy?"
"No honey, they aren't."
Kids are a gift and their laughter even in a solemn place is a blessing. Teaching them why we behave how we do in certain places is our duty as parents. They knew just what to do without being told at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Solid day for daddy.
It was a hot July day in the 90's and we were walking by the Reflecting Pool. There were a number of people wading in the water. The kids wanted to jump in real bad, begging "can we go in, daddy?" with their big brown eyes. We were nearing the Lincoln Memorial, so I told them no and them showed them why the Reflecting Pool was there. You could see the Washington Monument waving in the pool, the image disturbed by the waders. "Ohhh. They're not supposed to be in there, are they daddy?"
"No honey, they aren't."
Kids are a gift and their laughter even in a solemn place is a blessing. Teaching them why we behave how we do in certain places is our duty as parents. They knew just what to do without being told at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Solid day for daddy.
I hope the photographer stepped up and said something.
There may be some level of cultural ignorance going on, especially at the larger national displays. They attract visitors from all over the world and may not understand the signs. I know of times when Americans have done similar acts of ignorance in other countries, often invoking "stupid Americans" comments.
That being said, I find no excuse for visitors who should know better, stopping such behavior
There may be some level of cultural ignorance going on, especially at the larger national displays. They attract visitors from all over the world and may not understand the signs. I know of times when Americans have done similar acts of ignorance in other countries, often invoking "stupid Americans" comments.
That being said, I find no excuse for visitors who should know better, stopping such behavior
SP5 Joel O'Brien
A sign with the "No Wading" message in a couple different languages would not be out of order.
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