Leaders, what do you think about JLDP(Junior Leader Development Program) within our units?
This is something my unit does which is very useful and helpful for junior leadership and those future leaders as it is not just for NCOs.
Also our CSM even goes as far as getting financial advisors in for financial classes and how to help our Soldiers when needed or simply where to send them. There's a lot more classes and things we learn about in this 2 week academy for enlisted members and it's well worth the time and effort put together by our senior leadership in order to enhance junior leaders and potential future leaders as the courses are not just for NCOs. Not everyone knows everything so this Academy is excellent and continues on in my unit for developing within the ranks.
SGT Odum, wow that sounds like an awesome program you folks have put together. A lot of the things you are doing are related to the old "SGT's Time training" we use to do. The program I developed is more of a "peer to peer" relationship. I would establish the agenda for the first couple of meetings, then the soldiers would take the lead. The forum consisted of one NCO (to record only) and E-1 to E-4's discussing and problem solving amongst themselves, some the issues they were having, some of the things to improve their career, etc. We as leaders provide the different direction, discipline and motivations, our subordinates should decide which options suit them on the path of success.
You guys have a very good program going out there, I would like to implement something like that in my organization as well!
this is a very great program. Ours only really target E4 in leadership positions to Staff Sergeants. However, I like to do sessions like what you've mentioned on a weekly basis as well or when ever we have time. My unit took away STT for some strange reason which I really don't agree with. However, my 1SG and PSG liked this idea I came up with so I try to stay consistent with it every change I get, do ethical problem solving skills, counselings, land Nav, PRT instructions, D&C. I even get with my Senior Specialist who will be soon slotted for WLC to assist them with what they'll face to face going their. I really hope my next unit has STT still like we use to because it's something that really helps develop junior Soldiers and leaders.
From experience attending one about a year ago here at my unit. It is a very helpful and useful program as it is ran by our unit's SME's providing guidance, motivation, and experience that can develop junior leaders the right way. I believe every unit should have these programs running.