Posted on Jun 22, 2023
What steps should I take if my CSM won’t sign my board proceedings?
Over a month and a half ago I attend the promotion board to become a specialist promotable and was the only person to attend. I passed and still have not received or had my board proceedings signed. I need the proceedings for I am currently pregnant and need them for my temp promotion. I have made points twice but can’t do anything without these documents because I’m not even in the system as promotable yet. I’ve gone through my chain of command on this issue, my 1SGT has gone and asked about them and I make weekly visits to S1 about this issue. A simple signature is putting my career progression at a standstill. I understand that I can back date my promotion status and submit the documents proving I made points but I can’t do anything until I have the proceedings. What’s the next step I should take to get these signed or does anyone have any suggestions?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
There is clearly more here than stated. If you have met all requirements for your appropriate zone and passed the board the CSM will sign it and the Bn Cdr. will approve and sign as the promotion authority. If you feel there is sone delay that will impact you professionally then see your 1SG, who should know exactly what is going on.
This is truly simple, no one is out to get you or you would not have passed the board.
If your 1SG appears reluctant ask for an office call with the CSM.
This is truly simple, no one is out to get you or you would not have passed the board.
If your 1SG appears reluctant ask for an office call with the CSM.
CSM William Everroad
SPC (Join to see), I second what CSM Darieus ZaGara pointed out.
I admit, sometimes I get behind on signing stuff, but not board memos. Mainly because the S1 is pretty relentless on putting it in front of me and the CDR.
Your CSM has an open door policy (more than likely), when you make your weekly visit to the S1, swing by the CSM's office and poke your head in and ask about the status of the last board. I get so many, "Good Morning CSM, I was in the neighborhood and I know my 1SG has inquired, but I was curious on how the board works and when the results get published" type questions.
I would leave out the part of "career progression is at a standstill" part. Even if they put you on the list, you still have to wait for the next round of slating. I don't know the schedule for your MOS but I can't imagine it is slated more frequently than monthly.
I admit, sometimes I get behind on signing stuff, but not board memos. Mainly because the S1 is pretty relentless on putting it in front of me and the CDR.
Your CSM has an open door policy (more than likely), when you make your weekly visit to the S1, swing by the CSM's office and poke your head in and ask about the status of the last board. I get so many, "Good Morning CSM, I was in the neighborhood and I know my 1SG has inquired, but I was curious on how the board works and when the results get published" type questions.
I would leave out the part of "career progression is at a standstill" part. Even if they put you on the list, you still have to wait for the next round of slating. I don't know the schedule for your MOS but I can't imagine it is slated more frequently than monthly.
Speak to your First Line Leader in regards to this. Your CSM is not the one to deal with this it is the Promotion Board Recorder’s job. Make them do their job
Well last I knew there has never been a need for a promotion board to specialist E4. Promotions from E1 private through E4 specialist are Time in Service promotions. Typically a Soldier is eligible for promotion to E4 after 24 months of honorable service.
CSM John Schofield
She is already a SPC and wants that P after her name to when and if the points drop she can be promoted.
CSM Vern Pratt
I haven't been part of the active duty promotion process for many years. The Army Guard uses the Enlisted Promotion System.
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