Posted on Jul 18, 2015
Is Saudi on the Offensive? Saudi Arabia says arrests 431 Islamic State suspects, thwarts bombings
Saudi Arabia says arrests 431 Islamic State suspects, thwarts bombings
RP Members what are you thoughts on this article - is Saudi Arabia taking on ISIS?
RP Members what are you thoughts on this article - is Saudi Arabia taking on ISIS?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
They are in a very bad position. They are finding that ISIS doesn't respect any states or countries even if you are Sunni. They should have realized this a long time ago. ISIS would overthrow them if they had a chance. I think they stood by for while and didn't think it was their problem. Now they are finding out what ISIS can do and are trying to contain it. I think it is odd how they were able to get 431 suspects in one shoot. It would either seem like they all of sudden now wanted to act when they already knew they were they or they had an insider and still let it get that big.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
CPT (Join to see) Do you think this is an opportunity to start building a coalition in response to ISIS with the support and financing of Saudi Araba or is that a bad idea in your opinion or others here on RP?
CPT (Join to see)
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - They won't I am sure many of those arrested were financial supports really. If Saudi gets involved you will see Iran really getting more involved. Iran doesn't want Iraq to be controlled by Sunni's. I doubt you would really see a Sunni Country really take on ISIS.
SGT (Join to see)
ISIS doesn't respect ANYONE other than ISIS. I don't understand why it is that they bomb Mosques. WHY? Aren't they Muslim? Isn't this what they want? They are animals that kill and they must be destroyed. CPT (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs
CPT (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) - They only subscribe to a very narrow view of what they think it is. Anything else to them is evil and must be killed. But the issue no one wants to get their hands dirty. We have an expeditionary army. Not many countries have Armies like that. Most are defense and rely on their own country's supply system to maintain their forces in the fight. If Saudi left their country they couldn't sustain like ISIS can and they would lose.
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