Posted on Jul 17, 2015
How will our current history regarding the Confederate symbols be viewed in the future?
I wonder if in the future the current mood and actions surrounding the removal of the Confederate flag and all other such symbols be like that of the Salem Witch Hunts or like the Red Scare? It's interesting that some things which were viewed as atrosities and given great importance during their timeframe are now viewed as having been irrelevant or a part of an overreaction to the leadership of the time. How will our actions be judged one hundred years from now? How will the history books label this time frame?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
CPT (Join to see) I'm hoping that it will be forgotten here in the near future and that our country and NAACP concentrates on more important issues (like the root causes), not a symbol that was used for a legitimate purpose in our history. Any flag or symbol can be associated with a crime or with hatred if it is allowed to. The Confederate Flag definitely has been used as a symbol by groups like the KKK and others as their rallying flag, but we need to look beyond that symbol and get to the root problem on why these groups even exist and what their agenda is. Why are children brought up to hate other races, colors, or nationalities? How do we stop that grooming process (just like how do we stop the terrorist from educating children from wanting to kill Infidels by the time they are walking). I believe as long as we make the symbols a focal point the real reasons for these issues won't get solved. We will waste money on taking down a stone carving this part of the American Heritage and history over using that money to research, fix, educate, and solve the real issues in this country. I know many won't agree with me, but that is just one person’s opinion!
SFC William Swartz Jr
COL Mikel J. Burroughs couldn't agree with you more Sir!! We have a serious problem with race in this country yet "WE" choose to merely go after symbols that to some are offensive and to others are heritage. We also have individuals that cannot seem to stop with race-baiting, on both sides as I see it, blaming all of their own ills or those of their race on those of a different race. It also doesn't help that you have individuals and groups that display the utmost contempt for our country and the flag as it's symbol, but it seems to be ok for them to do that but not for others to be offended by their actions, it gets put down to simply the other side being racist. Education on both sides needs to happen, and should be reinforced within our homes for it to begin to change, until that time we will continually see incidents and races being attacked by one side or another for a long time to come.
SSG Edward Tilton
Root causes ? Slavery was a root cause. It has become a symbol of hate. The Bulgarians have found a way to deal with unpopular Soviet Monuments
CPT (Join to see) excellent question. I think all we can do right now is speculate what will be 30 years from now. If you think about History and just the thought process with it, you know the nation changes opinions and rationalities every so often. I know we now live in a time where more information blasts people then ever before. Opinions are taken as fact and fact is pushed aside for sensationalism. The funny thing about History is you can't Hide it. When something happens it happens. It will come out eventually.
Trying hide History or trying to Erase it is like putting cookies in the cookie jar then putting it where the Kids won't find them. Well now the kids will start searching, and while they may not find the cookie jar right away they will find other things that were hidden. Oh and they will get the cookie jar too.
I think History in the future will look back on these days and try and figure out what we were trying to hide. The Civil War took place, Racism exists. We need to educate our children about these things so they can understand and make things better. Right now people are just trying to hide stuff so they don't have to explain. I think that is what History will record. People are not trying to make things better, they are just trying to stick it in the closest so they don't have to deal with it.
Trying hide History or trying to Erase it is like putting cookies in the cookie jar then putting it where the Kids won't find them. Well now the kids will start searching, and while they may not find the cookie jar right away they will find other things that were hidden. Oh and they will get the cookie jar too.
I think History in the future will look back on these days and try and figure out what we were trying to hide. The Civil War took place, Racism exists. We need to educate our children about these things so they can understand and make things better. Right now people are just trying to hide stuff so they don't have to explain. I think that is what History will record. People are not trying to make things better, they are just trying to stick it in the closest so they don't have to deal with it.
I think that the current hysteria over the Confederate Battle Flag will be seen in the same light as the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism when sanity is finally restored. The quality of thinking is the same in all of them.
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