Posted on Mar 16, 2023
PFC Soldier
Me and my girlfriend have been planning on getting married since before I joined the army, and I was wondering If I could get married during my phase two of AIT. For back round information we don't want any ceremony, but to get the license. And my AIT (68k) is 52 weeks long with a phase one site at fort Sam Houston and a phase two site at a residency hospital. From my understanding, the rules of phase one and phase two are completely different, for instance no more battle buddies, you go to work like a 9-5 ect. Do I'm asking to see if tradoc rules will allow me to get married in phase 2 of my AIT and If I could live off base.
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Responses: 8
CSM Darieus ZaGara
Anyone can get married stateside. The question question is will you get an approved pass, will that pass or any other be revoked for one of a thousand reasons. Will you be allowed to live off post, not as Army training guidance currently stands. Will your new wife even see you prior to graduation.

How will you and your wife respond when you here that you can’t attend to or support her in anyway that cuts into your training more than 4 hours a cycle.

You have waited this long wait the other few months. You both will be the better and stronger for it.
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CSM Carlson C.
Edited 2 y ago
So, many of us who've been in a while have seen this before. My recommendation to you would be to set up a meeting with the Chaplin and explain to them your intentions. They could assist you in the process for the area you're in. Then I would meet with your 1SG under their open-door policy. Explain to your 1SG your end goal and what you want to do. If your 1SG is worth their salt, they will have an honest conversation with you; it may differ from what you want to hear, but that's what 1SG are for. Real advise and direction. AIT is for you to learn your job without distraction. It maybe a rough adjustment for your soon to be spouse, especially this early on. I don't know your age, but there are a lot of things to consider here.

As for the JAG part, I would let one of your instructors know that you have to call JAG during a break and get an email address to communicate your situation so there won't be a time crunch in contacting them.

Now that was the easy part. The issue is you will be bringing a new spouse into a stressful time in your residency (I married a physician). You will be at the hospital a lot and work odd hours. You must be honest about whether your soon-to-be spouse can mentally cope with you being away, working shifts, and whatnot. This is not me discouraging you, it's reality. As for living off base, the BAH for an E3 with dependents in the FT Sam area is $1,863. A decent apartment ranging from 1500+ (the closer to base, the close rent will be to your BAH and try not to pick a dump). You also must consider utilities, groceries, gas, insurance, car note, rainy day fund, and other incidentals. You may have lived on your own before and only you know how responsible you are with your money, but you'll have to grow up quickly if you bring someone else into this situation.

The bottom line is this, take your time getting married. If they waited this long, they can wait a little longer. This is a moment that you want both your families to experience (unless that is another story). Keep it small, don't spend a lot of money. Explain to soon to be spouse that you may be working a lot and if they are ready to strap in for the ride. Just know that communication with your spouse will be key in whatever you do. Marriage is work; it's not going to be unicorns and rainbows all the time. Being a military spouse adds to the difficulty in adjustment. You both should take advantage of the various programs available and cross your fingers.

Good luck troop!
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
To be honest you will probably be waiting a while to find someone with a regulation or policy on this because if the instructors don't know I doubt there is one. I don't know of many schools or billets that require you to abstain from getting married. They technically do exist because I had one. While on Embassy Duty Marine Security Guard Watch standers (Pfc-Sgt) are required to pre-sign a page 11 in their SRB that states you can't be married while on this special duty assignment. If you do get married during this time without expressed approval from the Command they automatically run the page 11 against you and you are immediately removed from the program. With that said I doubt there is anything like that for AIT.

Don't expect to get approval to live off base. That is most likely a bridge too far. But if you are trying to get married so your spouse can be added to your orders it is a logical move. I would call JAG or send them an email if you can't physically go there. The Chaplain may also be aware of local policies in regards to getting married. But I doubt you will be the only one getting married before orders get cut.
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