Posted on Jul 14, 2015
SPC Medical Logistics Specialist
I will doing the AC2RC option and wanted to know about reclassing to 31B, but on the reserve side. What are drill weekends like? What are some things I can expect at AIT?
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Responses: 14
COL Charles Williams
MPS go thru 19 weeks of OSUT. You will be Phase IV and V - AIT. This tells you all you need to know. SPC (Join to see). You will be what is called an insert... meaning you are being inserted into a company after they complete the BCT portion. Since you are prior service, the Drill Sergeants will look to you to be a student leader.
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
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COL Charles Williams leave those carrier pigeons alone, sir! lol
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) - I am techie geek now, and could win a texting contest... but, I still remember no computers (typewriters, carbon paper, and white out), no cell phones, no iPads etc... I can remember being deployed and only having snail mail... and being deployed and being able to video chat in real time... from my desk... Why off topic I know.
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
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COL Charles Williams - I get it. It was scary coming from the "old Army" to my first deployment in '08. We lost half of the computers on base to a virus (the reason we can't plug external drives into gov't computers now) and all of the officers were looking at each other like, "what do we do now?" It's like flip charts and markers had ceased to exist, lol.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) - Interesting... In 2010 we had we had a Massive Tornado hit Fort Leonard Wood, all power was off, so the EOC was useless... No back up power (lesson learned), phones were all digital so they needed power (lesson learned) so our first briefing was in the hall way, using natural light and an easel with butcher paper... old school. You have to be able to do things without technology too.
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MAJ Contracting Officer
Most MUTAs (Multiple Unit Training Assemblies) formerly known as Battle Assemblies, AKA Drills are mostly admin watch power points do mandatory training, especially now with budget cuts, if your unit doesn't have a local training area field is limited to a few times a year. AT's are full blown busy times lots of training cramped into the tightest group as possible. They are usually fun and enjoyable times. If you are contemplating joining the reserves go for it. Reclass is very easy for some MOS's it's just a two week course you do for AT your first year.
SPC Medical Logistics Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
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Thank you for the info sir!
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
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MAJ (Join to see) if a unit is devoting the bulk of their training time to admin tasks and "busy" work, their leadership needs to be relieved. Given the fact that we have to accomplish in 40-50 training days what the active component does all year, there is not a moment to spare. Hip pocket (opportunity) training is essential to reinforce the training schedule (think PMI, TACSOP, combatives, etc.). If the NCOs in the unit don't know how to keep Soldiers engaged in worthwhile training, they need to be mentored and counseled...if that doesn't fix it, they should be replaced with a motivated E-4.
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
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I concur but your ability to leave the drill center to conduct any real training is very limited unless you have a local training area, you need a budget which is hard to get.
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SGT Greg Gold
Where you going for AIT? The active duty school is at Ft. Leonard Wood in MO, the reserve school was at Ft. Hunter Liggett in CA. As aninsert at rhe active school they are going to try and find you a slot exactly where you need to be, but depending on things you could find yourself bouncing between units to get to all the ranges you need to use and all the classed you need to have. The USAR school is 30 day long and you start and finish as a platoon. Same goal, different path.
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