Posted on Mar 21, 2014
SPC Charles Brown
I am curious because I have been told so many different things that I would like to have clarification on this. If someone could point me in the right direction I would gladly look the answer up myself. Also, stupid question, am I entitled to wear a combat patch for the 10th mountain division if the unit I was attached to was never fully deployed while I was in it.
Posted in these groups: Combat patch logo Combat Patch (SSI-FWTS)Korea Korea
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 31
SFC Aubrey Campbell
The military has put many of us in hostile situations, but does not consider it war based on the politically correct answers. What soldiers are saying about Korea, (including me 86-87), is that war is alway imminent there. The pucker factor is real. When you get told Kim Jon Un is coming across the DMZ at any moment, it’s all out caps. Yes, I had some good times there. But every time I went on duty at the “Turtle Farm” AKA Camp Casey, it was on. By the way, for you brave scholars out there, the Korean War is not over, only an Armistice Agreement is in place. All of us who got out of that “Hell Hole” after 365 days are blessed. Oh by the way, I did not serve for a combat patch or chest full of medals, I just served.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
6 y
and it was never a declared war. is it not a "police action"?
SPC Cesar Freytes
SPC Cesar Freytes
>1 y
SFC Campbell your damn right the pucker factor is real, when you arrive in country and told that your just a speed bump that's an alarm clock, I did 2 tours with JSA at camp Bonifas on the Z, and countless alerts at camp Hovey not knowing if this one was the big one and if so will the Chinese join the North like they did in the 50s. By the way not to get political and I'm not revealing my political thoughts because its nobody's business but is it only me getting disturbed about our President praising North Korea after so many sacrifice's. I don't want to hear the standard face news crap I SAW HIM SAY IT WITH MY OWN EYES and I was sober for once. When full blown fighting starts there we are going to remember what high intensity war really is. My father served there in the 50s.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
4 y
SrA John Monette - , Yes, a UN Chapter 7 Police Action. A more Recent one is Kuwait's Desert Storm.
SFC Aubrey Campbell
SFC Aubrey Campbell
4 y
I love this guy!!! Tell the story!
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
A lot of the great discussion here is also why DoA came up with the Korean Defense Service Medal in lieu of the overseas tour ribbon. It distinguishes the fact that Korea is a hot spot not just an overseas posting.
SSG Stephen Kimball
SSG Stephen Kimball
>1 y
It was my understanding you earned credit for overseas service and Korea Defense Medal. My DD 214 reflects this
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SGT Mark Heathco
Keep trying I received my CIB and was'nt even looking for it, I mean I submitted the paper work to the army and buddy statements that proved wHat we did really happened but there must have been some evidence in my 201 file because initially they denied me so I gave up and then after years I receive it in the mail? go figure but that's the army.
CPL Calvin Harwick
CPL Calvin Harwick
7 y
I received mine in Korea in 1951 from the company commander when the regulations to receive one was 30 days in an actual combat zone in an infantry unit during actual combat.Did the qualifications change to appease the the "new army"
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
CPL Calvin Harwick - There hasn't been a 30 day requirement since Vietnam, but you still have to be an 11B, serving in an Infantry line company and have been in a fire fight. They still awarded soldiers that got into fire fights on the DMZ in Korea, which used to happen at fairly regular intervals, the CIB until 1984.
SGM Bobby Griffith
SGM Bobby Griffith
>1 y
Served 13 months in 1969/70 in A Trp, 4/7 Cav, 2ID. Back then we received $65 Hostile Fire Pay per month when we performed 5 missions in the DMZ in the pay period.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
My uncle Matt Urban from Buffalo new York was awarded the medal of honor buy Jimmy Carter 20 years after the end of WW2. LTC Matt Louis Urban. Called the ghost by the Germans. I was born in Buffalo (Cuba) new York.
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