Posted on Jan 22, 2023
What is the difference between a Vietnam combat veteran, Vietnam veteran, and Vietnam era veteran?
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 13
A Vietnam Combat Veteran has been in combat and has received the CAR or CAB. A Vietnam Veteran is an individual who performed active military, naval, or air service in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. A Vietnam Era Veteran served during the Vietnam era but did not serve in Vietnam.
SPC James Neidig
Sgt (Join to see)
Thank You ! The Worst Part Is When My Glands Swell Up And It Is Painful To Move My Legs And Arms,
Thank God For Ibuprofen And Cyclobenzaprine They Are The Only Pain Medication I Will Take, I Will NOT Take Opioids Of Any Kind !
Thank You ! The Worst Part Is When My Glands Swell Up And It Is Painful To Move My Legs And Arms,
Thank God For Ibuprofen And Cyclobenzaprine They Are The Only Pain Medication I Will Take, I Will NOT Take Opioids Of Any Kind !
MSG Thomas Currie
Sgt (Join to see) -- the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps had the Combat Action Ribbon, established in 1969 and backdated all the way to Pearl Harbor.
But the Army Combat Action Badge didn't exist until 2005 and was only backdated to 18 Sep 2001, so no one from Vietnam or any of the later conflicts got the CAB.
But the Army Combat Action Badge didn't exist until 2005 and was only backdated to 18 Sep 2001, so no one from Vietnam or any of the later conflicts got the CAB.
I think you have received many excellent and well thought out responses on the differences of these various groups,I think some differences would be say,didn’t get a phony doctor’s script (heart condition,asthma) didn’t use family wealth or political influence for extended college deferment or cut and run to Canada later they were all welcomed home in an shameful amnesty program,well enough of this bitterness, I consider all who served during Vietnam my Brothers ,what ever their” differences “
SGT Alan Martinez
I had a Veteran talk with me yesterday and tell me about what people did to dodge the draft. You Vietnam Veterans are studs. Definitely changed the game for all of us after you. I hope we can live up to your dreams and aspirations for this country. Thanks for paying it forward.
SGT Philip Roncari
Appreciate your understanding,although I left Vietnam back in 1967 (physically )it truly has made a lifelong impression, so I tend to get a little wacko,when the subject of Service is brought up,Thank you tor your Service Brother and be well.
I served between 1969 and 1991. That includes the last part of the Vietnam war. The Air Force didn’t need me in Vietnam or Southeast Asia even though I volunteered to go. They saw fit to send me to Texas, Virginia and Mississippi. That makes me a Vietnam Era vet. I like to think of myself as a Cold War Vet instead. I never claim to be a Vietnam Vet nor would I disrespect those who served there by doing so.
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