Posted on Jul 10, 2015
CW3 Standardization Officer
The attached article outlines four major challenges identified by top-ranked leadership keynote speaker Mark Sanborn that every leader faces. Have you experienced one or all of them? Do you have any other challenges that face you face on a consistent basis that you think should be added to the list of four?
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Responses: 6
SFC Small Group Leader
My biggest challenge is working with NCOs who are not "ready" for the rank they currently serve.

I feel like I'm always fighting not to do someone else's job because of their lack of knowledge.
CPT Senior Instructor
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>1 y
I am blown away by this. So few want to even mention this. I agree. I would just add this for everyone and not just NCOs. I have seen this so many times happen again and again. Once they get there they are pretty much reducing the capabilities of that unit. I have seen this first hand. You having to go back over another soldier's work or at times do it for them. But it is rare to see someone call out another for it. I commend you on this.
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COL Charles Williams
- First, being respected is a goal, but not one I ever paid attention to. My hope was that if I did the right things, for the right reasons, I would be respected. Being liked was/is never part of the equation, and it is a dangerous consideration for a young leader. Read Worth's Battalion Orders and Schofield's Definition of Discipline.
- Maintaining balance, between the needs of the organization, the needs of the team - and also my family would probably be it, if I have choose from your list - authors list.
- Staying motivated never, and maintaining focus... never.
Frankly, There is no shortage of folks who right about leadership and management, and these are not the only four challenges in my view... Interesting, but just another opinion...

My biggest challenge was always balance. My goals as battalion and brigade commander... were these. They are still may daily goals.
1. Model balance between the Army and family.
2. Make a difference, everyday.
3. Leave the organization better than I found it.
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PO3 Shayna Stevens
Mine is being a female. No matter the gender of who I'm leading, no one cares, I'm a female. Other females don't like me for whatever reasons, and males just laugh or do things their own way. I will usually state a plan of action, they ignore it, fail with their plan, try mine because they got nothing else, and they succeed. Then I get a surprised look like well what do ya know! We underestimated you! well duh, I'm not just what my face portrays.
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