Posted on Jan 3, 2023
SSG Team Leader
I have a soldier who is going through MAR2, and she just submitted a paperwork today(3JAN23). Unit retention is new, has never done one and couldn't tell how long it might take. Also, looking at the regs it says HRC will make determination in 14 days after submission. But seems like it has not been the case for some people.
The soldier is scheduled to go on JRTC rotation in February-March time frame. The commander's intent is to have as many bodies as we can take for the rotation.
So if the soldier gets her decision in14 days as stated in regs- will she also get an AIT class date right away?
The soldier has 10 months left on her contract.
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Responses: 2
SFC Retention Operations Nco
14 days is correct, usually faster. Anyone you talked to who took longer than 14 days was not someone who was a MAR2. Regular reclass actions can take up to 30 days.

HRC will make the decision and change the SM. MOS on the spot and assign the ASI 4A. They'll receive a class date, the class date will almost always be within 45-60 days. Sometimes faster. It's almost always TDY Enroute to a new location meaning they are immediately placed on assignment and leave. With ippsa HRC might just send the SM TDY and Return and have them reassigned to the same post. The SM. class will almost certainly be during your JRTC rotation.

The SM will most likely have to reenlist to meet the SRR for the new MOS. If they choose not to, HRC will either select a different MOS with a shorter SRR like 92G or 88M, or HRC will assign the MOS Code 09U and change the SM ETS date to 270 days later.
SSG Team Leader
SSG (Join to see)
2 y
SFC, so this is happened. SM got a school date 2APR23 with TDY en route. We are planned to return from JRTC in 14 March. The commander still considering taking her with us. But I am thinking that since it is PCS afterwards don't you think she will need more that 2 weeks to outprocess, transport HHG and inprocess at schoolhouse? Also, she is married now.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
SSG (Join to see) it takes about 4 weeks to PCS. The Soldier has to be placed on assignment to the follow on location first. In this case, the Soldier and their spouse. Then they have to receive their levy packet, process their levy packet, submit their leave, turn in the levy packet, receive their orders, take the orders to your DTS manager and receive a DD1610 TDY authorization for travel.

If the follow on location is Korea, the spouse won't be going and the Soldier has to complete all this and sign out before school starts. There's a very good chance it will be Korea. If the location is not Korea, the Soldier can do all that and then return to clear. It's still TDY enroute, but with authorization to return to clear.

But, yes. Short answer is there is no chance in hell she makes it to school in two weeks if she doesn't have her orders, and she won't have her orders before JRTC because ippsa isn't fully functional yet.

The commander needs a certain headcount for CTC rotations. Arrange for the Soldier to show up and hop a flight out the next day
SSG Team Leader
SSG (Join to see)
2 y
SFC (Join to see) roger. I appreciate it, SFC!
SSG Team Leader
SSG (Join to see)
2 y
forgot to mention that the soldier has been on station only 7 months, does HRC still PCS the soldier to other location?
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited 2 y ago
SSG (Join to see) One of these gentlemen will have an answer.

MSG (Join to see), COL Randall C.
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