Posted on Jul 10, 2015
SrA Office Manager
I always wanted to go active but my husband was against it when so I went with the NG. I told him I'd give it some time after I got home from AIT & if things weren't satisfactory (financially) after 6 months or so then I was going to look at going active.

My question is, if any of you have made the switch how seamless was it & were you able to keep your MOS or reclass? I spent a long time getting my MOS & clearance, I don't want to give either up. I did receive a bonus for enlisting & I'm aware that I'd more than likely lose that. Not a big deal since I have yet to even receive it. Any advice & input would be appreciated.
Posted in these groups: Michigan ARNG
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Responses: 12
SFC Petroleum Supply Specialist
It's not seamless. It will be difficult to be released from your state since you made an obligation to that state. Lots of paperwork and time spent explaining why you want to be released starting with your CoC, but it's up to the TAG if your packet gets up to HQ. Like PO1 John Miller has stated see if you can look for Title 32 (state) or Title 10 (federal) AGR jobs or look into the NG Technician program in your state. I'm in the process of transitioning from NG to RC for an AGR job in Ohio. The link below is how I applied for AGR.
Good luck!
SrA Office Manager
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Thank you SGT! I'll check out that site when I get home from work.
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PO1 John Miller
SrA (Join to see)
Have you considered going AGR if your Guard unit has any openings? From what I've seen, AGR is the best of both worlds. You're active duty but in the National Guard. So you get the pay and benefits as active duty but you're still with your Guard unit. You also have a full-time job close to home, and you don't have to transfer every few years like your active duty Army counterparts do.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
Thanks SFC (Join to see). I've never served in the Guard myself, but I do work for the AZ ANG as a contractor so I have learned a little bit about how the Guard operates.
SrA Office Manager
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PO1 John Miller, I have but as a PFC those aren't really available to me unfortunately. However, I'm eligible for promotion with a waiver come September so I may make SPC by the end of the year. I've also looked at Tour of Duty to check for openings on there. Most would require me to go to Benning, Bragg, etc for a year or so but that's if they'd even consider giving a PFC a SGT slot which I don't find to be likely considering how many people apply for these slots.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
PO2 Brian Rhodes
Active Guard Reserve. Full time Guardsmen. They're active duty but for the National Guard instead of for the Army or Air Force.
SrA Office Manager
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So, I put in an AGR packet but if you've been in for less than a year & under a certain rank (it escapes me now but I think SGT) you need your O4 to write a recommendation. I don't even think he knows who I am so AGR isn't going to happen for a while. I did apply to 2 slots on Tour of Duty - both overseas. But they were given to NCOs. I'm on my way to drill now, I plan on talking to a few people this weekend & see what they say.
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SSG 92 A Automated  Logistics Specialist
In the case of going active , same here my father did active duty for 22 years and I joined the NG.. There is a struggle of being active as a NG if you do not know the system. There website like mention before that you can apply for title 10/32 jobs and this will help you to either stay on orders or knock out active years of your service. Which I did I've been in for seven years and have six years of active duty I've only been to drill twice , reason being I'm always on active duty status, wether it's AGR or ADOS.
So website you should look into is for three years tours required submitting packages, your state website type your state then AGR (HRC) the AGR there depending on where you want to nationwide or with in state and Tourofduty/Mobcop, that's where I get my tours or this includes ADOS orders. Last two website depict oversea assignments as well.. Good luck.
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