Posted on Jul 9, 2015
SMSgt First Sergeant
In todays pc world many find themselves on the wrong side of the aisle so to speak because of how they were raised or what they believe. How do we fix this in the military? Can we fix it in the military? It disgusts me that as a profession of arms we are worried more about hurting peoples feelings instead of protecting rights, freedoms and individuality. We talk about diversity a lot but it seems to me we can only be diverse in the sense of the civilian populations definition. Off my soap box. Look forward to reading the responses.
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Responses: 7
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Why should one person's "belief" outweigh another person's "feelings?" Neither has anything to do with mission?

People complain about "Political Correctness" but fail to realize it is nothing more than exercising Tact, a Leadership Trait.

So it really boils down to treating others with respect, especially in a hierarchical organization. Authority & Power over others comes with a Responsibility not to impose our personal will on others. It's not about protecting feelings, it's about ensuring their freedoms are maintained, just like we do for the civilian populace, because they are in a position where they cannot speak back without fear of repercussion. Regardless of how approachable you are, you've still got a heck of a lot more stripes, and saying SMSgt (Join to see) "I've got a problem with X" is hard to do for a young E2.
SMSgt First Sergeant
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Very good points. I agree with you 100%. When it comes to the military no beliefs should be more important than another. I am glad you brought up respect, because that is what our issues in the military and society boil down to. If we could learn to respect one another then a lot of our problems would go away. Again, very true about an E-2 and their ability to voice opinions. In today's environment it is important that we listen to those junior to us. Communication is key to building that relationship and trust between the different generations of service members. Great points SGT.
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CW3 Standardization Officer
Currently there is a large amount of tension polictially and socially surrounding race, religion, sexual oreintation, and a number of other cultural issues. I think this tension is causing a great deal of the efforts to take being PC to a differnent level across the forces. As our society works out its own differences on these topics I see some of the over-reaching PC policies or beliefs relaxing.
SMSgt First Sergeant
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One could only hope. To me it comes down to respect on and for all sides. There are plenty of people I disagree with, but I still reapect them.
SMSgt First Sergeant
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Cpl Dennis F.
Make it an indictable offense with punishment of 10 to 20!
SMSgt First Sergeant
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