Posted on Jul 9, 2015
MSgt J D McKee
I retired in the mid-90's, there was no social media. If it had existed then, I would have avoided it like the plague. Too easy to get drunk and post a career killer you can't take back, just for one example. Why aren't y'all more afraid of being critical of commanders/senior leaders/whomever in your services, with your names on it? Not being sarcastic, serious question.
Posted in these groups: Social media logo Social MediaLeadership abstract 007 Leadership
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Responses: 8
CPT Aaron Kletzing
I would say that social media can be a very good thing -- even a great thing. But stupid behavior on social media does not make social media bad -- the individual is responsible for it. For example, many senior leaders in the DoD today have social media accounts, and they choose to use them for positive reasons. If they chose to use them in ways that would be harmful to their careers, then that's their responsibility. I suppose you and I would both agree that social media can be wonderful, as its potential is very powerful -- though when misused it can create problems for the person who chose to take the wrong actions.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
>1 y
To your question of "Why do SMs misuse social media and hurt their own careers?" -- I guess I would chalk that up to poor judgment, immaturity, ignorance, etc.
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SFC Operations Nco
This is the only social media I it's a positive effect for me.
MSgt J D McKee
MSgt J D McKee
>1 y
Used carefully and professionally, I can see that. Hard to maintain when one feels anonymous because the person isn't there. Much easier to criticize, well, anyone, when they are not face-to-face.
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SSgt Geospatial Intelligence
Exactly as you think it affects them, MSgt J D McKee. I mean, just look at all the SMs that have posted themselves ditching retreat, or acting a fool in uniform! People tend to think that they can do whatever they want on social media because it will never come back to haunt them. They forget that electronic media is around FOREVER!!!!
MSgt J D McKee
MSgt J D McKee
>1 y
Yep. I use Linked-In and this one. My first laptop, I happened to run across the other day, and from 2005 it still has "Email lasts forever" written right below the screen in Sharpie. I shudder to think of all the many ways I might have torpedoed my own career had the modern world been available.
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