Posted on Dec 15, 2022
What are some situational questions that may be asked during a job interview or security investigation?
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 6
Can't help you on the 'job interview' side, but if your 'security investigation' refers to a government security clearance, the chances of hypothetical questions is near zero (the closest most questions would come would be the "do you think _______ can be trusted with access to sensitive or classified information?").
If the 'security investigation' is for a non-governmental security clearance - those have their own rules depending on the company or organization.
If the 'security investigation' is for a non-governmental security clearance - those have their own rules depending on the company or organization.
MSgt James Parker
Thank you COL Randall C. this is more of a general question to help transitioning service members in interview prep.
CPT Lawrence Cable
MSgt James Parker - My experience with security investigations is that the questions will be about any bumps in your past. What about the Reckless Operations when you were in College, why did you get picked up for disturbing the peace, and any other thing listed. If it's listed and you don't try to hide anything, generally you are fine.
Omissions are bad. If they find a gap or a serious omission, things tend to go bad.
Omissions are bad. If they find a gap or a serious omission, things tend to go bad.
MSgt James Parker I think it depends on what the job is you are applying for. If you were applying for a job that deals with sensitive information..."You see another employee taking company (or government) classified information out of the office and you know they are not supposed to, what is your first course of action?"
Job interview - varies depending on type of job. They could ask about systems, processes/procedures, policies, how you deal with certain situations (how you handle heavy workloads), how you track or prioritize work....
For security investigations - they ask about work history-especially if you were fired from any job (be prepared to explain why) and criminal history ... if they are required to verify with people that know you they ask how long you've know each other, if they would trust you with information...
For security investigations - they ask about work history-especially if you were fired from any job (be prepared to explain why) and criminal history ... if they are required to verify with people that know you they ask how long you've know each other, if they would trust you with information...
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