Posted on Mar 19, 2014
SFC Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
Last week I hosted a Sisters In Arms event where a PFC came up to me asking where she could find a female mentor since the one she had recently ETS'd. She then went on explaining to me how this NCO slept her way to the top. I wonder how this is possible considering she in fact isn't even serving in the military anymore and last time I checked there is a promotion process. If it was possible to sleep your way to the top then shouldn't we be running the world by now. Of course after a lengthly thought provoking conversation on this subject the PFC was directed to the very qualified and valuable female Non-Commissioned officers in her unit to provide her with the right kind mentorship she was asking for. What are your thoughts?
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Responses: 7
CSM Michael J. Uhlig

SFC Biddle, you want to ask what are my thoughts?  DISGUSTED!  Disgusted at the entire situation, at the Soldier for using this tactic - that is someone's daughter for Christ sake!  And I am disgusted at the supervisor for violating the creed "I will not use my grade or position to attain PLEASURE ......"

I hope you took immediate action to ensure all were aware of the way to handle themselves. 

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SFC Platoon Sergeant
It sounds to me like this junior Soldier had a combination of the rumor mill and some poor advice.  I think it is a little ridiculous to think that someone could "sleep their way" to the top with the current promotion system in place.  It is good to hear that you paired this PFC up with some good NCOs to help her out though.  She needs a good example of what right looks like and someone to mentor her.
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SSG Zachery Mitchell
Edited >1 y ago

We had a female in my previous unit who was a SGT(P). She had been waiting on points for a long time. Her points for her MOS for SSG Rarely dropped below 720. We got a new 1SG in (she had been promotable for well over a year and a half at this time) and within two months of this 1SG taking over she "maxed" her APFT and shot 40 out of 40 thus allowing her to get promoted.


I had been to a range with this SGT before and it always took her multiple attempts to even qualify with her weapon. She had also never got anything higher than a 225 on her PT test. A lot of NCO's saw the red flags when she pinned SSG and began asking her questions. She openly admitted that she slept with our 1SG in order to get him to pencil whip her APFT and weapons card. I don't know if she was saying it for attention or if she was being honest. I don't know why someone would lie about such a thing though. She PCSed a couple weeks after pinning on SSG so all the talk about it went away pretty quickly and our 1SG only last another three months before he was relieved on some other allegations.


I do know these types of situations are probably few and far between but it does happen. Most female Soldiers I know have to much self respect for themselves and their bodies. They also bust their asses to get to where they are or where they want to go. Sadly though, there are some Soldiers/NCOs out there that use there body or whatever other means necessary to get what they want.



SPC Steven Thomas
SPC Steven Thomas
>1 y

As a lower enlisted soldier I have seen a lot of things going on. I do not know if it made me guilty for not reporting it or what. When I was stationed at Ft. Riley I had a Platoon leader who always was on my ASS. I did not know why he kept harassing me to the point where I wanted to get out and give up my dream as being a soldier. So one day I went to my 1SG to complain about what he was doing to me. My 1SG took me out of the Motor pool and placed me in the group that was under his control and we were renovating the barracks. From this point on life was getting a lot easier for me and my 1SG had me go to the board to become promotable to SGT. He changed my outlook on Military life and from then on I loved to be in the Army. From this point on my 1SG and I became good friends, BUT even on days off not once did I call him by his First Name I always called him 1SG even the time when he invited me and my wife and kids over to his house for dinner. I always kept my Military Bearing. As you all have said I myself have seen where people get more involved with others and it is not fair to the rest of the soldiers or NCO's.

So I do not know if this made me one of those soldiers you all are talking about but I myself do not think so and this of course is my opinion. 

SGT(P) Motor Transport Operator
SGT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y

SPC Thomas,


Depending on what exactly was said, it could have just been a good judgement call. It sounds a though you lost motivation and your 1SG was there to mentor you. He probably went out of his way to move you, because he realized that leaving you there was detrimental to your morale. What separates you from the ones this post is about is that you did nothing to try to influence his decision. You were moved and had to do work. Manual labor. Other Soldiers may look at that as a form of punishment. You worked and I'm sure he saw your capabilities. I'm assuming you did not complain. Sometimes Soldiers just need to be moved out of a toxic environment. I think he made the right call.


The only way you would be fall under the undeserved promotion is if you did personal favors for him in exchange for being sent to the board. That is the fine line some leaders have issue defining. It would have also been inappropriate if somehow your points were padded, as SSG Mitchell illustrated.



*Junior enlisted



SSG Zachery Mitchell
SSG Zachery Mitchell
>1 y

SPC Thomas,

I don't think you fall into this category at all. I think your 1SG made a good leadership decision to move you out of a bad situation and put you in a better situation. This better situation allowed your full potential to come out. Now your 1SG saw you living up to your full potential and sent you to the board to reward you for your hard work. Nothing wrong. He was mentoring and guiding you along the way it seems. There's a huge difference in mentoring and guiding than the topic at hand here in this discussion.

SFC Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
This does however prove a good point. You see a guy being mentored and taken under the 1SG wing so to speak and it's perfectly ok but if the same thing was said from a female then the presumption that she was sleeping with him or he had an alternate agenda would be the outcome. Can females actually have a mentorship relationship with their supervisor without the cristism that comes with it?
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