Posted on Nov 3, 2022
SGT Team Leader
I am transferring from Wisconsin national guard to active duty as a 91B my first duty station is gonna be fort Polk I am married no kids I’m wondering what it is like on fort Polk, give me the good the bad and the ugly please
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Responses: 4
COL Randall C.
SGT (Join to see), welcome to active duty and good luck at the home of JRTC . Depending on how you approach the assignment, it will be great or it will suck (if you DON'T turn into a homebody, you'll have a much better change of the former than the later).

There are lots of outdoor activities (hunting, fishing, hiking, etc) if you're so inclined and of course, if you're a LSU fan, Baton Rouge is about a three hour trip away. If you're a big fisherman, then Toledo Bend is supposed to be the #1 bass fishing lake in the country. New Orleans is about five hours away.

There have been many changes since I was there last (about 25 years or so ago), so I'll point you to some of the sites that will give you a good run-down. (more of the 'encyclopedia description' of Ft. Polk) (good site from the point of view of "what can I do and what's around")

Again, it can be a 'good' assignment or a 'lousy' one. It does have a new commissary and PX on post as well as a good hospital, but if you want activities, there are a lot to do as long as you're not a "base bunny" and get outside the wire.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
Ok yea appreciate the help I do like the outdoors never really been that far down the south either I’m excited to experience the outdoors not excited for the heat tho appreciate the response
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SSG 12 B Instructor
... Did you piss off someone at MEPS? I have not been to a lot of active bases, maybe a dozen or so.... Polk is the worst (IMHO) simply due to the weather and climate. However, my experience is drawn from JRTC rotations there. Not sure about the active, non-training side of the base. I understand there is not much around the area. Always hot and wet. Hopefully you are not there long...
SPC Gary C.
SPC Gary C.
2 y
My last enlistment I was given the choice of Polk or Irwin.
The photo will tell you where I went to.
You said that you like to get out in the outdoors, if you want I can give you some ideas.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
2 y
SPC Gary C. - So you prefer 120 F at 15 percent humidity to 95 F and 90 percent? Haven't been a Polk, but Benning or even Campbell is in that Gulf Coast/Mississippi River Valley zone with tropical summer temperatures. When I was at Campbell in 1983, we had a spell of real 100 degree Plus days with humidity in excess of 90%, like living in a Steam Bath. However, my Engineer Unit did augmentee rotations at NTC and I didn't like 120 F much better. Barstow has to be the naval of the US. Nasty Place.
SPC Gary C.
SPC Gary C.
2 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - At the end of my first enlistment I was stationed at Stewart. I know all about high heat & humidity, I don't like it. I grew up on a farm in SE Ohio, put up hay every summer, worked fixing fences, hunting down & bringing home the cows that got out among other things. Dad didn't believe in AC, I just had open windows in my room. I'd rather have high heat/low humidity.
You are right about Barstow, that's why I didn't spend much time there.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
2 y
SPC Gary C. - Sounds familiar. I grew up in Brown County, Ohio. No AC until after I left for College. We had already lived in California (Carmichael) before Dad retired from the Air Force, so I was already familiar with "Dry Heat".
My part of the State was still in the Burley Belt, so add cutting, housing and stripping tobacco. Normally busy on our farm in the Spring, so no setting or hoeing. It would be a tossup to which is more physically demanding, Hay or Tobacco.
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SPC Gehr Kirgis
It's not to bad, but it's been a good while since I was there. Flat terrain, and easy to navigate around!
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