Posted on Jul 6, 2015
COL Jon Thompson
A few months ago, I read a blog that said that the Army values were too simplistic and the author argued for a more comprehensive Army ethic to guide our behavior as Soldiers. My argument was that if people could not live up the seven values, a more comprehensive ethic would not make a difference. This came up again for me as I was working on a short essay on the key lessons I learned as an officer. Please let me know what your thoughts are.
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Responses: 12
SSG Roger Ayscue
Hell, we can not get people to do the 7 that we have!
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Those time honored values are intrinsic enough to meet any challenge and I am concerned that too much tinkering with those values may jeapordize morale as well as those values. As far as morphing into better leaders, we are going to reach a point of equilibrium and that is where we will stay.
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SSgt Carpenter
There are very few things I remember from my first few weeks of basic training, but one that stands out was a lecture by some DS on the Army Values. What stood out to me, was his statement that the Army Values coincide with the basic tenents of most any creed or religion. I'm a devout Christian, and the Army Values aren't something that stand or fall to me as a person. In fact my behavior hasn't changed, and wouldn't change in the future if the Army decided it didn't need values. If a person doesn't live up to the Army Values, I do NOT believe that is for a lack of education, that is a moral fault. I don't care if you are a practicing Baptist, Hindu, Catholic, or Muslim, or even Athiest you have been taught some measure of right and wrong. The Army isn't a religion. If the first moral code a person has is the Army Values, we don't need them as a soldier.
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