Posted on Mar 19, 2014
SFC Aaron G.
Can someone explain how the IDT program works for the Army Reserve Component?
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LTC Senior Army Instructor
If you have to travel over 150 miles to your BA then you are eligible to receive up to $300 in travel expenses in addition to Lodging in Kind which is free.
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PO3 Aaron Hassay
Edited 10 y ago
Question here from a NAVY guy. Im trying to compare NAVY and ARMY reserve units.

Is there a comparable reserve unit as far as ACTIVE and RESERVE manpower combat unit training together on a IDT weekend. And in reality the AD is never doing IDT while traiing together. I just threw that in to make light of another subject I am studying But to continue, the Navy Reserves had AUGMENT Units(30 sailors or so) attached to Active Duty Combat Ships (the NAVYs version of an ARMY TANK without tracks) that were cross designated RESERVE training platforms. The AUGMENT unit of 30 sailors actually filled/took actual Full Time Billets but only were there 2 or 3 days a month IDT on average. So that manpower was lost to the Full Time Crew. The full time crew still had to along with the attached Augment unit maintain full readiness and deployability compared sister-non cross designated platform ship class.

I think an outsider could see the possible problems with this scenario. But it did happen for about 20 or so years give or take a few years.

I am wondering does the ARMY have similar composite cross designated Active Reserve Units in any way where the reserve component takes actual Full Time Billets from the GAINING COMMAND?

I am under assumption from studying that Army has a complete different Reserve Set Up and recruiting accession manpower target numbers for both the National Guard and Regular Army.

The Navy tried to implement some similar initiatives such as recruiting a lot more Non-Prior Service Junior Enlisted Mandatory Drilling Reservists but dropped that program as the platforms such as NAVY Combat Ships are far to technologically advanced to learn part time efficiently.

But the ARMY and National Guard does still enlist many straight non-prior junior enlisted reservists. So im jus wondering how those reserve units compare.

I hope that makes sense,

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TSgt Logistics Management Specialist

SSG Golden,


You are required to do 48 IDT MUTAs in a year. This year starts on the anniversary of your PEBD. One "UTA" is a 4 hour block of time based on an IDT duty day. Therefore, a full duty day of 8 hours gives you 2 UTA, or 2 retirement points. You also will get 15 "Membership" points over a one year period. Of course you also have Annual Training. This is counted just like Active DUty days and is one point per day. The same goes for any school or additional orders you are on. You need 50 point per year for it to count towards your 20 Year letter for retirement. If you would like to calculate your retirement payments, go to and login in under My Records. Once you are loged in you may go to Reserve Record then Retired Pay Calculator. Let me know if you have anymore questions about being in the Reserves.

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