Posted on Jul 4, 2015
SGT Derrick Evans
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 6
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SGT Derrick Evans Here are some suggestions - please take them for what they are worth:

1. Complete your profile and get the Blue Ribbon (be accurate and give your connections some good information about what you have experience and accomplished)
2. Be very respectful in all of your replies and comments (be the ultimate professional)
3. Don't comment on subjects you don't really understand from the other service branches, if they are branch specific (this is just my recommendation) - use those to learn about your fellow service members and what is happening in their service branches. You can definitely comment on subjects they post that are general interest and they are looking for everyone's feedback.
4. From my perspective rank shouldn't matter on this site, so always feel comfortable in expressing your own views and beliefs.
5. If someone says something that offends you - move on and be the better person - don't respond in kind.
6. If you have suggestions on how to improve RallyPoint share them with the administrators that have the stars - never hurts to make suggestions.
7. Stay involved and try to post discussions of value and that are meaningful questions that you are passionate about. Utilize pictures and videos that are pertinent to the subject. Use a good tag line that will capture the other RP Members attention.
8. Spell check your work (just my recommendation).
9. Join and follow groups you are interested in. Get involved in those discussions on hobbies you like and interested in.
10.If you don’t anything about a subject, don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions if you want.
11.Reach out to other RP members for help if you need it from a professional development standpoint. I learn something everyday from the RP Membership.

These are just a few of my suggestions. There are other RP members that can probably add to this laundry list of suggestions. Hope that helps and is what you were looking for - have a great 4th of July Weekend!
SGT Derrick Evans
SGT Derrick Evans
>1 y
Will definitely work on completing my profile.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
CPL Doug Hill I try to put my best foot forward - thank you Have a great day Doug!
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Submit topics which are relevant to military & veteran readers. As an example, if you see an article which makes you think of something that happened while in. Post it.

Ask questions & share knowledge. We get lots of questions everyday from all types, and the beauty of having as many members as we do is the varied perspectives. Sometimes something will pop up that just doesn't make sense, but we have SME's here from both inside (MOS) and outside (second/third career) the service who may be able to shed light.

As an example, you are a Loan Officer, according to profile. Someone may ask a question that falls within that specific area of your expertise. You are a valuable resource in that regards.
SGT Derrick Evans
SGT Derrick Evans
>1 y
Hello SGT Kennedy, thank you for that - I will post some of the links to VA benefits that I have found to be helpful over the years, also quite a few Veteran friendly employers that I have met in my career.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
PO3 David Fries, here are some ideas:
1. Post some meaningful questions on your favorite topics. Don't just simply troll and repost questions from other sites.
2. Complete your profile, get your blue ribbon and enough points to become a member administrator to help keep the sight organized.
3. Provide respectful answers and opinions in posts to participate in discussions
4. Don't stand on a soapbox and preach, discuss and respect the opinions of others.

Welcome to the party!!
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
>1 y
Sir, I think you may have tagged the wrong person inadvertently.
PO3 David Fries
PO3 David Fries
>1 y
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca you tagged the wrong person.
SGT Derrick Evans
SGT Derrick Evans
>1 y
I will work on completing my profile this week - took me a year to get verified. :-) Thank you for the heads-up.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
Thanks for the heads up Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS & PO3 David Fries! That's what I get for celebrating the 4th on the 3rd ;-)
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