Posted on Mar 19, 2014
Saluting: Have you ever encountered an officer that did not salute you back, although he/she recognized your salute?
How did you handle/take this?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 47
I find it amazing to hear that so many have experienced officers disregarding their salute. Salutes are two-way recognition and honor. To deny a person a returned salute is just disrespectful in my book.<div><br></div><div>I look forward to recognizing Soldiers, NCOs, and subordinate officers. I believe they deserve it and will always return the salute. If you see me standing and talking with another person and salute me I will come to attention and salute you back every time, even if I am in the middle of a sentence. The same is true for walking, standing, or whatever. I really do not understand why some view subordinates as "beneath" them and not worthy of a returned salute. I certainly appreciate it when a field grade officer gives me a sharp return salute; it makes me feel respected. I want to make sure others feel the same way.</div>
SSG Kevin McCulley
I agree. I also am befuddled by the way exchanging the greeting of the day between enlisted has seemed to have completely died.
SFC (Join to see)
I agree. When I came in in 2003, it was still a mandatory courtesy. It still makes me crazy when a Soldier walks past and doesn't say a word!
SPC Matthew Kourim
I'm a civilian now but I still to this day give a greeting of the day to any nco or officer I see in uniform.
As a MSG while working with the 1ST Army, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the Commanding General for MEDCOM, unfortunately for me, he was not thrilled with the aspect of training for a hospital unit he had going down range, I being the only person in the area with a First Army patch on caught his, I will say, displeasure that we dared make his Soldiers complete Individual and collective training prior to deployment. Â After he commenced to voice his displeasure with the fact I was a representative with the First Army, which to this day I still think I have his spittle on my uniform, I saluted him as he stormed off, to which he did not return my salute, then as his car drove away I saluted again, to which he did not return my salute. Â I immediately pushed his displeasure through my COC. Â Next day I receive a phone call from the Commanding General of the First Army wanting to know exactly what happened, he then apologized to me for the conduct of that General and praised me for my Military bearing. Â For me I was like, "Really, like I am going to lose it with a 4 star." I didn't say this, but I thought it. Â Anyways that's my story.
CW4 Craig Urban
I worked for the head of army acquisition and the commander of 101st airborne division whey they were my battalion commanders at fort ord. Benchoff and Hite. 3 stars. Had dinner with Hire numerous times throughout the years. Still call him sir and he calls me Chief
SFC James (Jim) R Brown
SSG Kevin McCulley - No, SSG you do not put that on the WTF moments. You straighten that out immediately, regardless of the rank.
SSG Kevin McCulley
SFC James (Jim) R Brown - We all know they will just deny it and lie about it unless it is put in the public realm. That's how officers do. No accountability for their incompetence, actions, mistakes, or malfeasance.
It has happened to me several times since I work in an area where we get tons of new 2LTs. What I always do is stop them on their tracks and correct them (while standing at the position of attention). Most times they are just ignorant of the fact. It has happened with a few CPTs also, again, same approach with tact and respect at all times.
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