Posted on Sep 26, 2022
what resources are available to use , to get my bachelors in elementary education? besides GI Bill and Voc Rehab?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
PFC Ryan Vance Check with the university you want to attend's Office of Student Financial Aid." And the schools, "College of Education." Some states today are offering free tuition if you sign a contract to teach in that state for a certain number of years after you graduate. I got $17,500 of my student loans waived for teaching a critically short subject area for five years in a Title 1 school.
Best of luck to you Brother. Let us know how it all works out.
Best of luck to you Brother. Let us know how it all works out.
Troops to Teachers, and a list of non vet-specific resources depending on your state, to include student loan forgiveness for teaching x years in an underserved district.
Your state's Department of Veterans Affairs (could be called something different) will have state programs that are tailored to your specific area.
Am I correct in SWAGing that you live in Missouri (You're employed by Schnuck Markets and they are most heavily concentrated near St. Louis, Missouir). If so, the Service Officer Locator for the Veterans Commission is
(if in Illinois -
(if in Indiana -
Again, they will be most knowledgeable about state resources/benefits, but should have a wide-ranging knowledge.
Of course, these are in addition to the excellent suggestions by Cpl Vic Burk, SGM Jeff Mccloud, and others.
Am I correct in SWAGing that you live in Missouri (You're employed by Schnuck Markets and they are most heavily concentrated near St. Louis, Missouir). If so, the Service Officer Locator for the Veterans Commission is
(if in Illinois -
(if in Indiana -
Again, they will be most knowledgeable about state resources/benefits, but should have a wide-ranging knowledge.
Of course, these are in addition to the excellent suggestions by Cpl Vic Burk, SGM Jeff Mccloud, and others.
Missouri Veterans Commission - Service Officer Locator
Through the Veterans Service Program, accredited Veterans Service Officers (VSO) and Veterans Service Assistants (VSA) provide counseling and assistance to thousands of Veterans and their dependents throughout the state. Not only do these trained professionals counsel Veterans on available VA and state Veterans' benefits, but also complete and submit claims applications with all necessary documentation. Currently there are approximately...
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