Posted on Sep 18, 2022
Should I wear my Dress Blues to my little brother's Navy basic graduation? If I do, is the beret still authorized headgear?
My little brother is asking me to attend the ceremony and I'm debating on wearing blues. I've been retired since 07, medically from getting wounded in Iraq. I still fit in uniform well and obviously I'd shave the beard. I've seen people encourage wearing your uniform(dress) as a retiree. Opinions? Is the beret still authorized headgear if I do wear it?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
You're entitled, so it's your call.
I recently was pondering "should I or shouldn't I" when I was invited to a promotion ceremony of a old friend who is still serving. I opted for "shouldn't" as it was more informal.
However, if it is a more formal occasion, go for it!!! I would absolutely don the uniform if I were going to a formal ceremony. Just my two cents, but don't listen to anyone that says "you shouldn't" .. it is entirely your call and what you're comfortable with.
Regarding headwear - wear the uniform you were authorized when you served or what's current, so yes your beret is acceptable (and still is now).
One thing that trips a lot of people up is forgetting about the SSI they wear. Though it's unlikely anyone will say anything, you probably still have the SSI you wore on active duty on your left sleeve. You should replace it with the "Army Retired" one. Again, it's a minor thing that likely only the nit-noids will bother you with (however, there's always one...)
I recently was pondering "should I or shouldn't I" when I was invited to a promotion ceremony of a old friend who is still serving. I opted for "shouldn't" as it was more informal.
However, if it is a more formal occasion, go for it!!! I would absolutely don the uniform if I were going to a formal ceremony. Just my two cents, but don't listen to anyone that says "you shouldn't" .. it is entirely your call and what you're comfortable with.
Regarding headwear - wear the uniform you were authorized when you served or what's current, so yes your beret is acceptable (and still is now).
One thing that trips a lot of people up is forgetting about the SSI they wear. Though it's unlikely anyone will say anything, you probably still have the SSI you wore on active duty on your left sleeve. You should replace it with the "Army Retired" one. Again, it's a minor thing that likely only the nit-noids will bother you with (however, there's always one...)
Please don't. I just went to watch one of my Soldiers graduate Airborne School and I saw a person wearing his Dress Blue's. I realized he was retired. To me it can comes across selfish. Could you imagine wearing your college garb from when you graduated as a guest to another graduation? I am going to a wedding soon. I will only wear my uniform if I am asked too. I don't want any recognition on that day. You will run a good chance on going out that evening while you are in uniform and someone greeting you first rather then your little brother. Make the day just about him.
1LT (Join to see)
I remember being invited to a wedding and it was requested that I too wear my dress uniform. At first, I felt it was inappropriate because I didn't want the attention on me. I didn't want to feel like I was stealing the show when it should of been about the bride and groom. But how could I say no if the groom asked me to.
SSG Roger Ayscue
CPT (Join to see) Sir this is the best answer to the question that I have read. My son graduates from BCT next month. I was asked if I was going to wear my dress blues to the ceremony. No, that is his graduation day. It should be all about hum and his accomplishments. Thank you for a thoughtful and introspective answer. Great advice for those considering this quesiton.
Sir, you don't do it for you, you do it to honor them or(your little brother) your not doing it to show off you doing it honor and support, your brother will appreciate it more than any thing.
recently a nurse at the correctional facility I work at made that request of me I did so for her only as well as did her Uncle we were the only two at her wedding in Navy and Army dress uniforms it turns out she was trying to honor us. I'm sure your brother will really appreciate it.
recently a nurse at the correctional facility I work at made that request of me I did so for her only as well as did her Uncle we were the only two at her wedding in Navy and Army dress uniforms it turns out she was trying to honor us. I'm sure your brother will really appreciate it.
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