Posted on Jul 3, 2015
CAPT Senior Principal Policy Analyst

WASHINGTON: Do dogfights matter in the age of tactical stealth? If an F-16 can outmaneuver an F-35 in a dogfight, does it matter? Does it matter if the earliest generation F-35 can’t outmaneuver an advanced model of the F-16 in an early test?

So many questions. We’ll try to answer them because the folks at War Is Boring got their hands on a hot document — an F-35 pilot’s evaluation of an early test of the F-35 against the F-16. Colleague David Axe got the scoop. Basically, the F-35 test pilot said the F-16 could outmanuever the F-35 in most cases during a close engagement, or what most people would call a dogfight.

Here’s where we get to the really complicated bit. Does it matter? Well, of course it matters if the F-35 pilot is in a dogfight and loses. But if you talk with Air Force and Marine pilots who’ve flown the Harrier, the F-18 and the F-16, every one of them I’ve talked with says the F-35 is a superior aircraft. They’ve said it on the USS Wasp. They’ve said it on the USS Enterprise and they’ve said it in the halls of the Pentagon and at Fort Worth, where the F-35 and the F-16 are made.

Why do they say this if an F-35 carrying no external weapons can’t out perform an F-16D loaded with heavy fuel pylons? You might well ask. Basically, it’s because the F-35’s stealth and sensors allow it to spot enemy aircraft long before they are spotted. The result? The F-35 gets a weapon lock and kills the enemy before the enemy knows the F-35 is there.

Few senior officials or pilots have spoken on the record about the F-35 in terms of what it can actually do in combat, though at least a half-dozen pilots have said publicly they would not trade their F-35s for an F-18, Harrier or an F-16. In the only interview the Air Force has done about the F-35’s capabilities and the first 10 days of a full-scale war, retired Gen. Mike Hostage of Air Combat Command, told me this: “In the first moments of a conflict I’m not sending Growlers or F-16s or F-15Es anywhere close to that environment, so now I’m going to have to put my fifth gen [aircraft] in there and that’s where that radar cross-section and the exchange of the kill chain is so critical.”

At the same time, Hostage made it clear that the F-35 is not the plane to send in for hot dogfights. It is, instead, the first US aircraft built specifically for taking out advanced Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS) such as the Russian S-300 and S-400. The plane that would lead the way to take out enemy fighters in close-up battles would be the F-22.

“The F-35 doesn’t have the altitude, doesn’t have the speed [of the F-22], but it can beat the F-22 in stealth,” Hostage told me, “The F-35 is geared to go out and take down the surface targets.” In fact, it takes eight F-35s to do what two F-22s can accomplish in the early stages of a war.

The F-35’s radar cross section is much smaller than the F-22’s, but that does not mean, Hostage concedes, that the F-35 is necessarily superior to the F-22 when we go to war. For those who wonder about the worth of the opinion of a general sitting behind a desk, bear in mind that Hostage flew the F-22, as well as most models of the F-15 and the F-16.

F-22 and F-35

I spoke to another pilot who has closely watched the F-35s development and has extensive combat experience, Dave Deptula, who now heads the Air Force Associations’s Mitchell Institute. He’s also a member of the Breaking Defense Board of Contributors. Deptula flew the F-15 and twice led joint task forces, in Iraq and in Afghanistan.

His bottom line about what the test pilot said: It’s “interesting, but not relevant to the issue of campaign level utility of the other very significant advantages the F-35 possesses in the areas of low observability, sensor capability, and information integration that provide the F-35 an enormous advantage relative to legacy aircraft. If one can target and kill your adversaries prior to the merge, what they can do at the merge really doesn’t matter now, does it?”

He believes “the anti-F-35 crowd are so focused on how we fought in the last century with old equipment that they can’t conceive of, or understand the information edge advantage aircraft like the F-22 and F-35 provide.”

He even disdains the term “fighter” for the F-35 and F-22. “I’ve said for years and will continue to do so until the defense troglodytes finally get it (and some are slowly coming around)—5th generation aircraft are not ‘fighters’—they are ‘sensor-shooters’ optimized for different threat regimes, and can perform the roles of “F,” “B,” “A,” “RC,” “E,”EA,” and AWACS aircraft of the past.”

Deptula says that one F-35 “can create effects that require dozens of legacy aircraft, and in some cases dozens of legacy aircraft simply cannot accomplish with one or two ‘F’-22s or ‘F’-35s can accomplish.” Dogfighting isn’t the sine qua non of air combat, he argues. Killing the enemy before he knows you’re there is. “Bottom line—it’s about the information, stupid.”

The official version of those opinions was issued by the F-35’s Joint Program Office:

“The F-35’s technology is designed to engage, shoot, and kill its enemy from long distances, not necessarily in visual “dogfighting” situations. There have been numerous occasions where a four-ship of F-35s has engaged a four-ship of F-16s in simulated combat scenarios and the F-35s won each of those encounters because of its sensors, weapons, and stealth technology.”

MGen Jeffrey L. Harrigian Bio PhotoAnd the JPO notes that this aircraft did not have the current mission systems software that allows it to spot enemies at a distance and was “not equipped with the weapons or software that allow the F-35 pilot to turn, aim a weapon with the helmet, and fire at an enemy without having to point the airplane at its target.”

The official Air Force comment on the story from Maj. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, head of the Air Force’s F-35 Integration Office simply says: “It is too soon to draw any final conclusions on the maneuverability of the aircraft. The F-35 is designed to be comparable to current tactical fighters in terms of maneuverability, but the design is optimized for stealth. This will allow it to operate in threat environments where the F-16 could not survive.” Hostage said virtually the same thing about the F-16 and the F-35 in our interview last year. The reasonable conclusion of all this: the F-35 is not a top dogfighting aircraft because it wasn’t designed to be one. And it wasn’t designed to be one because it is better to kill the enemy from a distance before the enemy can target you.
Posted in these groups: F35 F-35
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Responses: 7
CAPT Senior Principal Policy Analyst
I still want be able to BFM at the merge. Because there will be merges.
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A1C Charles D Wilson
Do I see another F-4 Phantom issue here? The F-4 was the first fighter to run with out a gun and ended up in gun fights. So if the F-35 can not fight with close air to air combat trying to have just stand off weapons and not so great. Less say the enemy has a EMP pod and jams incoming missiles or they have fired all of their missiles what next? Hall tale and run time?!?! Ohh I get it ..then you call the F-16's in to do the job. I will wait to see how they perform in ground support and combat missions before I judge. Remember this is also a replacement for the A-10 beast that needs no replacement. They just need to make it better. Marines and Army both have asked and fought to keep the A-10 alive for close ground support.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
I was going to bring those very points up but You already did. You are correct the F4 had to have and externally mounted gun added. Also the faster jets could not go slow and low enough to do proper ground support and the WWII vintage A1E Skyraider, a prop job had to be taken out of mothballs to fill that mission. It wasn't until the A10 was developed and put into use there was a jet aircraft that could fill that mission effectively. The Generals got it wrong and it appears they are doing it again. When they come in visual range and close up, which despite unrealistic expectations may happen esp if Your facing multiple targets. I'm not against advancing technology but lets listen to the people that actually fly the aircraft, the combat pilots. Pictured below is a Valcan cannon that had to added to the underside mid section of the F4 Phantom because these Generals had made the same incorrect presumption depending on long distance stand off weapons and faced an enemy that had guns and they didn't and the long distance weapons were no good close in. The pilots knew they needed the guns close in and the aircraft had to be agile at close in aerial combat Dog Fights.
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
I can appreciate the fervor over the F-35's stealth capabilities. Look-down/Shoot-down (shoot them before they shoot you) has long been the hallmark of air superiority. Here's my question, the Somali militias didn't possess advanced radar systems yet they were able to spot the Blackhawks coming in and used POTS and walkie-talkie RF to coordinate and bring down two airframes. The US/UN forces were loudly proclaimed to be technologically superior to the "third world ragamuffins". How then does the F-35 survive when some overly curious Khat chewing goatherd equivalent figures out how to spot this super stealthy airframe? Maybe I'm comparing apples to oranges but I hope you see the point I'm trying to make. Stealth is only good until someone figures out how to "see" it. What becomes the F-35's survivability rate when faced with an adversary that can defeat the stealth feature?
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P, this is not just theory; it has been done before, and at a time that stealth was much less known.

"According to the Serbs, Belgrade’s air defenses operators had found they could detect stealth planes using some slightly modified Soviet radars. In particular, the modifications involved using long wavelengths that enabled such radar systems to detect the stealth planes at relatively short range when the low radar cross section of the aircraft was affected when the bomb bay doors were open to drop 2,000 lb bombs."
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
>1 y
Capt Seid Waddell - I had forgotten about that incident. It's much more relevant than the Somali-Blackhawk scenario. This is more what I was picturing as a likely problem for the F-35. It won't take long for some overly curious radar op to figure out a way to "see" the low cross section on these airframes. I'm not as knowledgeable of the F-35's capabilities as others are. CAPT (Join to see), for example. What say you, CAPT Beckvonpeccoz? Would the stand-off capabilities of the F-35 be enough to overcome a potential threat such as this? IF a ground control can vector a F-16 type airframe to the F-35, can it compensate for the now close area engagement?
CAPT Senior Principal Policy Analyst
CAPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Good questions. Low-band radars can already see some of that stuff. The F-117 wasn't as stealthy as aircraft are now - it had lots of sharp angles instead of more modern smoothly reflecting curves. But when a Soviet-era Spoon Rest has an advantage over newer stuff, they'll still use it.

Stealth is only in our bag of tricks until it gets beaten in the constant game of cat and mouse. It's not just about the airframe, it's about the cross-section of the radar inside the nose and other parts of the jet that reflect. That's why they moved the stores inside and why they are constantly innovating. Can't say much more in an unclas public forum.

I mentioned the swarm tactics by cheaper (probably unmanned) aircraft. If you can overwhelm fancy high-tech defenses with swarms of small boats, you can do the same thing with aircraft. Even if they see you coming, they can't get them all. We'll see.
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
>1 y
Those are great points CAPT Beckvonpeccoz. Thank you for sharing and for having patience with all my "what ifs".
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