Posted on Sep 11, 2022
SGT Squad Leader
Does anyone have good ideas for Sergeants Time training geared towards aviation Soldiers? Not general soldiering, but aviation specific.
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Responses: 5
SGM Jeff Mccloud
Edited >1 y ago
Sergeants Time is actually an opportunity to train your Soldiers on important topics that fall to the wayside because everyone is (ideally) too busy all year doing their aviation job.

This forum and the most frequently asked (and implied) questions are a long list of topics for Sergeants Time Training:
How do I read/update my PPW?
How do I maximize online training?
How do I read/update my ERB?
How do I read my LES?
How do I conduct counseling?
How do I write an NCOER?
How do I create a budget/Thrift Savings Plan/maximize military retirement?
How do I manage/map my career path?
On that last topic I suggest a few events like scheduling your SORB recruiter for a brief, and finding senior NCOs in your BN who did recruiter, drill sergeant or instructor time to talk about how broadening assignments impact your career.

Then there's military history, starting with your own unit and it's actions in combat and significant former members, like one who fired the first shots of Desert Storm, went on to command the 101st, and retired as the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army.
Also, schedule a guided tour of the museum on post, and take your Soldiers on a "staff ride" to the Fort Donelson National Battlefield about 45 min west of main post.
CSM William Everroad
CSM William Everroad
>1 y
SGT (Join to see), SGM Jeff Mccloud said it right, personal finance training! Get a wealth manager from a local investment firm to come to talk to the Soldiers about budgeting, saving, investing, and credit scores.

Of course, at the small unit level, you should be hitting hard on the topics COL Randall C. mentioned. A FLL should be paying attention during collective training exercises to see what individual tasks need refinement and use STT to make those improvements. A FLL is after all the primary trainer of individual tasks that support key collective tasks from the METL.

Additionally, foundational readiness trianing is a great opportunity during STT to tie in the mandatory training (AR 350-1) in a more personal (one-four) setting and field more specific questions and scenarios. Just make sure you are proficient and don't relay what you think is right.

Finally, if you don't already have time for it, you can conduct performance counseling. Talk about their military career and education and what they want out of the military. You could slice 45 minutes for each soldier once a month if you have a reliable STT schedule.
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COL Randall C.
Edited >1 y ago
Depends on what type of "aviation Soldier" they are.
Common - HAZMAT Operations, Flight security operations, job cross-training, etc.
Logistics - Load planning, supply system operations, Palletizing loads, etc.
Personnel - Manifest operations, ....
etc... etc...

The list is pretty endless. Just like any Sergeants Time training - focus on one specific area that is mission focused (though not necessary). Make it hands on, not not "death by PowerPoint". Tie it back to METL related tasks (again, not necessary, but if you're looking for mission specific ideas, start here). Avoid CTT if you have other training in the schedule that focuses on that. Get the Soldiers involved in creating the training (round robin the instruction and then work hand-in-hand with that Soldier to develop it).

Bottom line - do things outside the "normal routine" training.

I told my NCOs to try and make the training topic something that interests the instructor (as long as it is appropriate) as they will be much more passionate about sharing the knowledge.
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SSG Section Sergeant
Pick a component or several components and go over the operation, function, and how to remove and replace that component. Many troops straight out of AIT have no idea about anything other than how to March. So it never hurts to just dig into simple components
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