Posted on Aug 4, 2022
Would you find it acceptable to hang a tattered flag in distress for political reasons?
I was driving home from work and took the back way due to traffic and passed this farm house with a Marine flag, some Trump signs and a flag hung upside down that was visibly worn out from the road. I honestly couldnt believe a Marine would disrespect the flag by flying it while worn out but I couldnt figure out how I felt about the distress part simply cuz his guy lost. The 1A loving part of me was saying "thats his right" while the other part of me was going "I bet this dude roasted athletes for not respecting the flag". Has anyone else ever seen a flag flying in distress for illegitimate reasons?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 30
We have several houses near us that fly the American flag upside down. Not a big fan of that no matter whose in office. There are many ways to demonstrate your frustration with the current administration but flying the flag upside down isn't it.
SPC Jon O.
PO1 Sam Deel that is the point, it's about who's in the WH. Maybe you're ok with the current occupant, I'm not. But that's what makes this country so great, I can have my opinion and you can have yours.
PO1 Sam Deel
SPC Jon O. - For Veterans that I know of that fly in Distressed orientation, it is less about the occupant and more about the decline of this Nation on all fronts. 2020 proved that the "power of the vote" is nothing but a farce. While blm-antifa can riot, loot, murder and burn down government buildings and entire blocks, we cannot even hold a protest without being marked as "racists", "insurrectionists", or "traitors". As a Veteran, I can clearly define what treason is. People protesting a corrupt election are not. Certain Democratic Administrations giving America's enemies weapons, training, intelligence, military cover, funding in a time of war, most certainly is. So all we have is to fly that Flag upside down till the USS America is righted.
SPC Jon O.
PO1 Sam Deel I don't disagree with you. We are on the same side here. We share the same values as it relates towards the decline of our great country under a weak administration. I don't have a problem with anyone flying the US flag upside down, especially during these times. It's just not my way. I fly a flag 2407 plus other patriotic items as well. You pass my house and its clear where I stand.
You never know what kind of stuff might be going on this person's mind. For all we know he/she has a horrible case of PTSD but lacks the ability to communicate what needs to said with the VA healthcare system. He/she may have been the victim of a horrendous incident that haunts them daily. and this is their only way of expressing it.
In other words, he might be in dire need of help. If you can do it safely, reach out and see if you can help.
22 a day is too many.
In other words, he might be in dire need of help. If you can do it safely, reach out and see if you can help.
22 a day is too many.
PO1 Sam Deel
Very possible. However, that would be the minority of those who fly the Flag in distress orientation. The Oath is for Life. At least that is what we were made to understand before we took it. There is little that the Citizenry can do to stop the disintegration of this Nation from its Founding Principles. It is up to the Veterans to muster the Folks to protect this Constitutional Republic, this Confederacy, from this decay and its pending results. If flying the Flag of the United States in distress orientation is all they can do to warn or affect positive change, then more power to them. If they are doing it for political spite, then they are amiss in their Duties.
PO2 Patrick Pettengill
I'm enjoying this healthy debate. Certain politicians have tugged on our love of country by stating that 'others' don't love America. They have adopted the flag as proof. They fly it proudly, on their trucks, their boats, front lawns and porches as if to say "I'm an American and if you don't fly your flag, well, you're probably one of "the other's". This is such a dishonest distortion of Love of Country and Patriotism. I believe that some, like one of the posts above, may suffer from PTSD or other difficulty some are just pawns and some are true lovers of country. I chose to give them the benefit of the doubt and move on. We all love our country - unless you are running a cult taking advantage of people.
In my opinion, flying a tattered flag except when its waving atop your
bunker in the middle of a shooting battle is unacceptable at any time
bunker in the middle of a shooting battle is unacceptable at any time
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