Posted on Jun 28, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Was it two dominant political parties always in opposition and vying for power as the founders warned was a great threat to our Constitution? That is certainly as good a candidate as any. These men and women do doggoned little these days, if they ever did, to represent Americans. They instead court the money and the powerful quid pro quo. It pads their pockets and points them to insider deals that make them wealthy on a civil servants’ salary. My one man poll places the popularity and effectiveness of the United States Congress somewhere just below whale crap.
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Edited >1 y ago
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I don't think America is dead, maybe in its early death throes, but not dead. But yes, the polarization of only two political parties, with everyone going to extremes these days is what's killing us. There is no longer any desire to seek middle ground on many issues. Civil discourse in those hallowed halls is long gone. What is left is disparaging invective, bashing the other guy, without ever saying positively how you'd fix the issue...

With this current Presidential election cycle we will see over 2 dozen GOP pretenders to the throne, who will all bash Obama, but they will also all bash each other. So we will hear, for the next 18 months, why each and every GOP candidate in this circus is no good. Is it any wonder that Romney lost? (I was glad of that, I didn't trust him, but the principal is the same...)

So, as I have challenged already on other media - an open note to all Political candidates, from dog catcher to President: Run on YOUR OWN MERITS. If you run negative campaign tactic, you will LOSE my vote!!!
Capt Retired
Edited >1 y ago
It is the fighting for party rather than fighting for the right or best solution to issues.

We need people to follow JFK's advice. and not find the democratic or republican solution but the best solution.
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SGT Jeremiah B.
America. Is. Not. Dead.

That is all.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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SGT Jeremiah B., I know that. This was written by an overzealous writer. He writes negative articles against our government. This is one of many.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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10-4 James.
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