Posted on Jul 10, 2022
SGT Real Property Specialist/Dpw
Does anyone know how the EEO Complaint process works? If they find in favor for the person who filed the complaint, will steps be taken to rectify the damage that resulted because of the harassment or is it only to hold the perpetrator accountable? More specifically, if the result was that they lost their state active duty orders would they get their orders reinstated?
Posted in these groups: Eo logo EOEc531dd9 Equal Opportunity Advisor
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Responses: 1
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Edited >1 y ago
If I am understanding the first part of the question, if the person filing the EO complaint has their complaint validated and justified by the IO, then the actions of the person that did the violation(s) would be held accountable.

As for the second part...I am not sure I'm fully understanding the question. Is this a matter of: The person filing the complaint had State Active Orders rescinded? Or is it the person the complaint was made against had their orders rescinded?

Either way, I recommend you read AR 690-12, EEO and Diversity. This will certainly answer your questions. Or rather, should. Also, if you have not done so already, I highly recommend you speak with your EOA/EOL.
SGT Real Property Specialist/Dpw
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I filed the complaint, I was State active duty for close to 5 years. I don't want to go into too much detail because the investigation is still ongoing after more than a year so I'll try to explain without compromising myself. I filed the complaint after being harassed, trumped up attendance violations and then she made sure my orders were not extended on her way out the door to her new job. The new supervisor attempted to reverse what she did but unfortunately she convinced brand new post command to back her up, if it had been a post command that I've worked with, it never would have happened. I filed the complaint with all kinds of documentation showing she lied about attendance ( her own texts and emails) sworn statements from everyone in the office and letters of recommendation from all my prior supervisors. This was done not only to hold her accountable but in an attempt to save my job before my orders ended, it's been over a year since I filed. It took 7 months before an investigation was started,the IO submitted his findings and after 2 missed suspense dates, I find out another IO has been assigned. The whole thing is a shit show, I can never get a straight answer out of anyone and my life's been completely blown up, I bought a house in The area because I thought that was my forever job but it's in a remote area so I haven't been able to find a job since this happened. The best part is that the person who is supposed to be the deciding factor for the findings just so happens to be the same person I heard she got to back her up. I just want to know if they find in my favor, will attempts to rectify the damage done? I want her held accountable for her actions but I need to go back to work before I lose everything
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