Posted on Jun 26, 2015
I encourage my Brothers and Sisters to contact their Federal Legislators and voice their full throated support
Responses: 2
Suspended Profile
Ok someone educate me on this.....will this mean I need to get a different ID other than my retiree ID card to access VA benefits? Seems like a waste and time, money, and effort.
I have that card and only served for six years. What are they even talking about? Did I miss something?
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
It's the VHIC. If you are drawing Disability (even 0%) you are eligible for it.
CPL(P) Bret Farritor
An overly simplified answer is no, you didn't miss anything. It is codifying a method for Title 38 Veterans regardless of their Eligibility for VHA Benefits to obtain a portable US Goverment issued Identifucation Card to act as a verified proof of service beyond a DD-214.
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