Posted on Jun 26, 2015
Awards, Medals, COA's vs Self-Satisfaction...what motivates you?
The other day I was talking with the Civilian at my shop, he used to be an O-5 in the Air Force. He is always telling me, if you do this you might get an award, if you do that you might get a COA, etc. I told him that I wasn't doing it for the awards because if all my motivation comes from just getting an award, what will happen if I don't get it? Or if I get it, what's next? Then I would need to find another motivation. I told him that my motivation was knowing that I got a project in X level and I brought it up to standards. He told me I was wrong, he told me that in his Commanding times, he used Awards to motivate his Airmen to do what he needed to be done.
As we were talking, a NCO got to the conversation and gave me another POV. He told me that awards are important to keep record of what we have accomplish. He told me that if he were to be my NCO, and he doesn't know me, he will check my ERB and have an idea of what kind of Soldier I am. I got that point better.
What does motivate you? Is getting awards your fuel? Is knowing that you fixed or improve something that needed work what moves you?
As we were talking, a NCO got to the conversation and gave me another POV. He told me that awards are important to keep record of what we have accomplish. He told me that if he were to be my NCO, and he doesn't know me, he will check my ERB and have an idea of what kind of Soldier I am. I got that point better.
What does motivate you? Is getting awards your fuel? Is knowing that you fixed or improve something that needed work what moves you?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 23
I think there are two types of people - those who need recognition to stay motivated and those who don't - both are equally important. A good leader will recognize ALL their people regardless if they want it or not - especially if they deserve it!
SGT(P) (Join to see)
That is my point, I'm not saying I don't want an award, if it comes, welcome. But is not my north, I'm not in the pursuit of them.
SGT(P) (Join to see) I always enjoyed presenting and giving out the awards to my soldiers that did an outstanding job. It was a motivator for me to see them get recognized for a great job or for extremely meritorious acts. I found very few soldiers over the years that were just medals chasers. I'm sure they were out there, but they didn't raise their ugly heads in my direction. I've had some very wonderful soldiers that worked very hard and deserved to be recognized for their achievements. Building tomorrow leadership through award recognition and honor motivates me the most!
SFC William Farrell
You're a fine officer Colonel Burroughs. It comes through in all your responses.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SFC William Farrell thanks for compliment. I just loved what I did in the military - taking care of soldiers!
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