Posted on Jun 10, 2022
WO1 Jose R.
I was just reminded the other day about the Direct Commission program. One of the MOSs fields is Cyber Officer. I really want to try for it but at the same time want to be realistic in my expectations. Here is some of my background:

I have been in for 14 years (15 this September) - I was a 68E Dental until 2020.

Currently hold both a Masters and Bachelors In IT Security Management.

I have 5 certifications (GCCC, GSLC, GCED, GCIH and Security+) with AWS pending test date.

I am currently a 25D Cyber Defender and have been for 2 years.

I have worked as a freelance contractor for a small company for 3 years as their Cyber/ jack of all trades IT guy. I had also started a self employed business where I dabbled in computer repair and software related fixes. This was a 5 year stint.

Knowing that Direct commission is exceptionally competitive, would I be possibly considered or should I stay put and continue my enlisted path? Thank you.
Edited 3 y ago
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Responses: 9
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Hell, SSG...I say go for it. The worst the Board can say is No. Do it do it and make it happen.
WO1 Jose R.
WO1 Jose R.
3 y
Dropped my packet today. We will see of I get a phone interview.
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Cpl Vic Burk
You won't know unless you try. What would be worse is saying years down the line, "I should have applied." Best of luck to you.
WO1 Jose R.
WO1 Jose R.
3 y
Thank you for the inspirational quote. I actually submitted my application so we should see.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
3 y
WO1 Jose R. - Excellent. I would say your chances of getting commissioned are pretty good. After I got out of the Marines and got my degree in electronics engineering, I thought about going back in as an officer, but they told me I would be a butter bar and that turned me off! I felt like with my record and degree I should get at least a 1stLt. Also, my wife wasn't all that keen on the idea, so I stayed civilian.
WO1 Jose R.
WO1 Jose R.
>1 y
Honestly, I would not mind transitioning as a butter bar! My wife does not know of my application just yet because she was stress about it. I have been trying to research more on the Direct Commission program but it seems slim-pickings.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
>1 y
WO1 Jose R. - Don't give up Brother! As hard as it may seem, stay positive and play the "Hurry up and wait" game our government is so famous for! If they turn you down, in three to six months apply again. Show them you are serious and eventually you will probably reach your goal. As always, I wish you the best of luck.
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CPT Board Member
Would 100% recommend! I DC’d into medical as an E5 and later switched to MI. The worst they can say is “No” and the only regret you should have is not trying. Best of luck!
WO1 Jose R.
WO1 Jose R.
>1 y
Thank you sir! If you don't mind me asking, how smooth was the whole process. I know it will be a different branch but should almost align if I am not mistaken.
CPT Board Member
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
WO1 Jose R. honestly not smooth at all. Cyber should be better as it’s a basic branch. AMEDD is it’s own thing as a special branch. Took almost 2yrs to get through for me. I hope your experience is nothing like it :)
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