Posted on Jun 10, 2022
Is an Army career outside of Rangers or SF, really just being a professional janitor?
I have always wanted to enlist in the Army but always see on forums and various things like that saying unless you are doing SF of some sort you are stuck essentially being a professional janitor or maintenance is there any truth to this I try to keep in mind their MOS selection when it's specified but as I am enlisting as a 68w would this be something I should be concerned about.??
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 18
I'm sorry, what was that again? Everything outside SF is professional janitorial work? That's a HUGE NEGATIVE. I hold 3 MOSs. I was a medic in a line unit and at a major army hospital. I was also a combat engineer, getting paid sick money to blow stuff up. Now I'm preventive medicine where I do health inspections, collecting water, collecting dirt, collecting air....and collecting bugs. I sure as hell ain't doing any janitorial work. Sounds like whoever says this either didn't serve or were stuck doing some menial job because they flunked out of the hooah hooah schools. Damn stupid people talking out of their ass.
I cleaned latrines, buffed hallways, polished baseboards and raked sand as an E4 in Ranger BN, and I cleaned latrines, buffed floors and mowed the parade field with a push mower as in E7, alongside E8s and O3s, in SF.
You get to do your real job a a lot, too.
But you'd be hard pressed to find a unit that contracts out janitorial and gardening services, good luck with that.
You get to do your real job a a lot, too.
But you'd be hard pressed to find a unit that contracts out janitorial and gardening services, good luck with that.
As a Marine vet, I can’t personally speak for the army, but in the Marines, every junior Marine is a professional janitor regardless of MOS. Yea you’ll still get to train and do a lot of cool stuff, but the cleaning and the new guy work will always be there regardless of what you do. A lot of that fades away as you transition into a NCO but that just takes time and keeping your nose on the grindstone.
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