Posted on May 31, 2022
Whenever the National Colors move, aren’t you supposed to Present Arms and Order Arms?
I was in a Pass and Review at the Battalion Level and noticed that we are just at the Position of Attention whenever the Colors moved, was wondering if we were supposed to be at Present Arms if it moved, and Order Arms when it stopped.
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 2
There are many factors that effect when you do and don’t salute. The circumstances can also be dictated by local command based on even more factors. Generally speaking I’d the colors are moving past you, or you them, then yes. There are instances where the formation remains at attention whil the leader at the front of the formation renders the salute. Anyway, I would bet dollars to doughnuts that your unit did it correctly. Question, were you not at the rehearsals?
SGT(P) (Join to see)
Negative, CSM. Rehersals were conducted with minimal manning: 5 man front with guidon bearers, 1SGs, and CDRs. I had asked my PSG, whom also didn’t know, so we asked our 1SG whom also wasn’t clear on the Regs but had been under the same assumption I was under, but was “told by someone” was wrong.
Thank you for your response, CSM.
Thank you for your response, CSM.
Unless there were previous arrangements, the Platoon Leader/Platoon SGT makes the call whether to render a salute or have the members in formation present arms. As CSM ZaGara said, all of this was (or should have been) determined ahead of time. If in formation, do not render a salute unless the command is given.
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