Posted on May 12, 2022
SPC Dakota Irvine
Hello everyone,
So I was diagnosed with asthma and ultimately vocal cord dysfunction. I believe I was misdiagnosed with asthma due to the restrictive airflow of the vocal cord dysfunction. Since I’ve been out I have gotten treatment for the vocal cord dysfunction and have tested for asthma twice with no signs. I believe I have more than enough to build a case to dispute the condition, but I can not find the resources to try and make this dispute. I have reached out to multiple recruiters with no help. Does anyone have ideas? Also, I have seen that the Air Force has a waiver process for asthma with a negative methacoline challenge. Any insight on this either?
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Responses: 3
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
If you are on the TDRL (Temporary Disabled Retired List), it is kind of possible....but a battle will happen. You'd have to get medically cleared and then your limitations may just be the Guard. If you are on the PDRL (Permanently Disabled Retired List), then no.

You will need to talk with your VA provider and VSO for further details. As for the Air may as well forget that idea. They only have a SMALL window to take prior service from another branch. And even then....they don't like taking prior service folks with medical issues.

Now, if you have documentation stating that your diagnosis and medical discharge was done in error, your odds are better....but again, that's only if you're on the TDRL. Either way....your chances are probably very slim.

Also, try contacting HRC Help Desk 1-888-ARMYHRC ( [login to see] ). See if they can answer that.
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A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Edited >1 y ago
Have Yourself Reexamined And Get The Results,
If You Disagree With Your Military Medical Staffs Results,'
Get One From A Civilian Doctor.

I Say That Because Our VA, Here In Vegas, Misdiagnosed Me TWICE,
Therefore TOTALLY Wrong Rx Both Times, Which Only Added To The Illnesses,
And Possibly Creating Other Issues As Well.
The First Emergency Created The Need Of EMERGENCY Surgery & A MONTH Long Stay In The Hospital....
I Was Brought In Unconscious; And Had No Idea Where I Was Upon Awakening.
From What The VA Emergency Room Doctor Told Me,
Had I Not Been Brought In That Evening, I'd Not Have Seen The Next Day;
I Was Approximately 4 - 6 Hours Away From Having Died.
The Second Situation Was Actually CAUSE By Being Misdiagnosed & CREATED By Taking The Wrong Medications Due To The Misdiagnosis,. Before Discovering The Problem, It Took 9 Years.
The Cure:? Stopped Taking The Medications.....
The Problem Was Totally Eradicated Within 5 Days.
I'm Presently In A Wheel Chair, Sucking On Oxygen.

For Serious Situations, ALWAYS Get An Additional Medical Opinion.
That Alone Could Save Your Life..
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
Were you placed on TDRL or PDRL? Whats your RE code? Did the recruiters respond at all? What did they exactly respond with? Can I ask what your DOD and VA overall ratings are at? It's gonna be a serious uphill battle for you to try and re-enlist after trying to refute everything.
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