Posted on Jun 21, 2015
Who's counseled a soldier for failing an arms room inspection?
Long story short I have a soldier he would go on leave. Before he went on leave he had an arm room inspection he only had two minor violations at the time two weeks later he does do another inspection now he has five majors and four minors. Who has had experience in this department?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
While there is individual responsibility for the Soldier to do his duty, the leadership has to evaluate what is the root cause for these violations within the arms room.
What is the cause for the violations? Is it he does not know, has the knowledge but lacks the motivation to complete the tasks, or just does not care. Has he been trained?
While counseling is part of the fix, a good discussion could achieve the results you need, at least so that you have a better understanding of what is causing these violations. Regardless, I would do an event oriented counseling as well as some follow up assessments, and also include the incident(s) on the monthly performance counseling.
What is the cause for the violations? Is it he does not know, has the knowledge but lacks the motivation to complete the tasks, or just does not care. Has he been trained?
While counseling is part of the fix, a good discussion could achieve the results you need, at least so that you have a better understanding of what is causing these violations. Regardless, I would do an event oriented counseling as well as some follow up assessments, and also include the incident(s) on the monthly performance counseling.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
CSM Michael J. Uhlig I think that an important point here is that, he went on leave. We can't blame him for not doing his job while he was out. As I said in other response, that's why we have alternates and they are required in the inspection checklist. We can relay all the responsibility of an Arms Room in just one person, is not real, you will need more than one to run the Arms Room properly or to keep continuity of the job that the Primary Armorer is doing.
SFC (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see) - Ok, first, the leadership ALLOWED that Soldier to go on leave. A Soldier doesn't just say F' it, I'm going on leave and take off. There is a process as you should know for a Soldier to go on leave and it starts with that Soldier's NCO and it ends in the commander's signature. If anyone is to blame for this is, it's the NCO for allowing this. And where was the alternate armorer? Doesn't that Soldier have a piece in this too? There is a primary and an alternate for reasons like a Soldier going on leave, school, etc...NCOs don't take responsibility like they should anymore. It's always the NCO pointing at the Soldier. That NCO should be counseled instead.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) I'm on leave as for now, I'll have an inspection less than 2 weeks after I get back. Before leaving, I made sure that the arms room was set to standards in case they wanted to do the inspection earlier. I had a STT with my alternate and made clear the way I run my arms room. My continuity book is marked by checklist, even if he doesn't know what they're asking, the binder would answer by itself. All the BII are in the cages with their weapons, cleaning kits, slings and magazines with each weapon. If we, as armorers, wait until an inspection is coming to set the arms room the work will double up. I wouldn't dare to ask for leave if I know there's a single chance of failing the inspection.
SFC (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see) - That's good stuff. I'm glad your priorities of work are there. This is not the case for many.
As my unit armorer I dont see either how he can go from two minors to five majors four minors.
Unless the inspection came during change of command and the new commander had not signed all the appropriate mfr's yet or he was brand new and the previous armorer did not do anything (this happened to me when). Or possibly mislead by an xo or oic of the armsroom. I once had an xo tell me I could take the aa&e keys home and turn them in the next day (major fail) which I was counseled for.
You can get a copy of the physical security check list and this will give you detailed description of his discrepancies. If he is new, there are growing pains to squaring away a broken armsroom. I recommend finding out his side of the story but two weeks is ample time to fix any erros.
Unless the inspection came during change of command and the new commander had not signed all the appropriate mfr's yet or he was brand new and the previous armorer did not do anything (this happened to me when). Or possibly mislead by an xo or oic of the armsroom. I once had an xo tell me I could take the aa&e keys home and turn them in the next day (major fail) which I was counseled for.
You can get a copy of the physical security check list and this will give you detailed description of his discrepancies. If he is new, there are growing pains to squaring away a broken armsroom. I recommend finding out his side of the story but two weeks is ample time to fix any erros.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) this is exactly what I thought, I can't see it. Actually, I don't think there could be 5 majors. Majors would be missing a 7281, not having the MFR appointing the Armorer and the Arms Room Key Custodian, the Armorer Certification and Annual Gauging. If an armorer doesn't have any of those, you should find a new one.
Funny how things come full circle. So my soldier had the weight of the world on his shoulders with this arms room. However, once found what he was doing wrong or what everyone thought he was doing wrong, he tightened his boot straps and got the arms room squared away. Our key custodian, another fellow NCO in our platoon coupled with our All-source intelligence Warrant got together to have a flawless battalion arms room inspection. Long story short, our arms room out shined all the other companies [4] within the battalion. Because of the accomplishment, BN CDR gave my soldier an AAM for his work. Amazing how things come full circle and more importantly, all of this went down while I myself is on paternity leave, so proud of my soldier!!!!
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