Posted on Mar 14, 2014
Fort Carson announced they will stop vehicles during retreat.
I'm not surprised this is the action they took after a Soldier made headlines for posting about hiding out because she didn't want to salute. I agree with the actions they took. What are your opinions on the matter?

Military police at Fort Carson, Colo., are stopping vehicles at on-post intersections during retreat, the post's Facebook page announced after outrage over a soldier who posted a selfie of her avoid...

Military police at Fort Carson, Colo., are stopping vehicles at on-post intersections during retreat, the post's Facebook page announced after outrage over a soldier who posted a selfie of her avoid...
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 14
There should be no opinion in this matter...only strict adherence to the policy. It's a sad state of Army-affairs that we have to resort to this policy (if not already in place) to get Soldiers to do the right thing. I, like a few other posters wasn't aware they stopped this to begin with. I would go so far as to put those caught NOT stopping their cars on duty being the road guards that stop traffic for a month.
My question is this. Simply why would you NOT, render the proper respect to the colors, Nation and Service. Wether NCO, Officer, or Jr enlisted,WE signed the papers to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. It is only fitting that we as soldiers stop and PAY Respect to all those that have served and or paid the ultimate price defending this Great country. Yes it is keeping you from the family that you are ultimatly protecting in the firstplace, for a few more minutes.
This is a personel response not ATTACKING anyone when I use the term you by no mean form or fashion.
I think this is fantastic. Too many have allowed tradition and regulations to fall to the wayside and this today is why young service members do some of the things they do. If we start enforcing the standards again as they should be, in time the tide will turn and we can return to a level of respect and credibility we can be proud of. <div><br></div><div>It starts at the top though. We need to lead from the front and perform in use manner that we want our Soldiers to perform in. My old commander constantly echoed this, don't talk about it, be about it.</div>
SFC Anabel Cepero
SFC Roselund,
I agree! I think it's also because many have gotten complacent and stopped really enforcing the standard. This is a great idea and maybe other posts will follow suit.
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