Posted on Mar 29, 2022
SGT Potential Recruit
Need help with trying to setup my ASUs for my wedding. It will be after 1700 so I would wear the bow tie with no DUIs. The questions I have are
1) Do I wear full medals?
2) Do I wear the service cap when we are outside?
3) Do I still wear my unit awards even with no DUIs?
4) Am I missing anything?
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Responses: 6
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
1) You can wear full medals IF you want to pay for them. And they are very very pricey. And of course, the time it's gonna take to make sure they are aligned with the regs. I recommend just going with ribbons. Cheaper.

2) Headgear is optional since it's after 1700 and you're going the formal route. You can wear it if you want.

3) Yes, you can still wear your unit awards. DUIs come off.

4) Don't get drunk and do stupid shit at the Reception when still in uniform.

When in doubt, always double check AR and DA PAM 670-1 for proper/official guidance. Congrats on your upcoming wedding.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
3 y
I think that about covers it!
SFC Birk Ellis
SFC Birk Ellis
1 y
Please repeat number four for those in the back who don't understand.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Edited 3 y ago
It's your wedding. Do YOU want to wear full medals? Do YOU want to wear bow tie?

My wife wanted full medals - until I told her how much that would cost. I wore ribbons.

I wore my service cap and bow tie.

I wore my personal unit awards (i.e. permanent ones) and my RDI, no DUI on shoulders.

But I was also on terminal leave and got married in my back yard (it's a big back yard), so no one was going to tell me no.

Honestly, unless you are having an actual military wedding or you are doing it on post, do what you and your fiancee want, within the limits of good taste. No Commander I have ever met is going to try to court martial you for slightly modifying your uniform RESPECTFULLY for YOUR day. A simple explanation of "this is how my spouse wanted my uniform to be" takes care of things.

And if your NCOs are more worried about whether you were wearing unit awards at your wedding than the fact that you got married, then there are bigger problems you need to be worrying about, cause that is a messed up unit.

All that being said, AR 670-1 and DA Pam 670-1 will give you all of the guidance you need. I have been out for a few years, and those change regularly, so I don't want to steer you wrong. But if you read and follow the regs, you can't go wrong.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
Are you in the Army? Out of the Army, veteran? Your profile says civilian recruit. I would assume if you were in the Army your NCO would help you set them up
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
3 y
Great questions!
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