Posted on Jun 19, 2015
What are the possible consequences for a battalion that hasn't conducted a command and climate survey?
There is no battalion command presence, focus is elsewhere, and mission demand outweighs soldier morale by far. This is the climate that I live in right now. I've seen some of my best soldiers preparing to ETS now, all because command climate is suffering, they hate the unit, and feel as if though the command could care less about them. There has been no initial DEOCS for the battalion initiated, and it's been well over 1 year. I am only a Company EOL, but this concerns me seeing as to how my soldiers and peers view the organization or lack thereof, all because of further internal issues. How would not having a battalion command and climate survey affect the battalion command team, and is it too late to initiate one? What steps should I take to avoid any form of reprisal?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 21
Your BDE EOA should be all over this to get it on the BDE CDR radar. You have options:
- ask for an open door with the BN CDR or CCSM
- ask the company leadership to bring the subject up (based on concerns), while keeping you anonymous
- address it at the command & staff, in the open so that it is out there (recommend addressing it on an open door meeting first)
- go through the BDE EOA (with the assurance you remain anonymous), get him/her to pressure the unit leadership to get win compliance
- you also have your local IG....
- ask for an open door with the BN CDR or CCSM
- ask the company leadership to bring the subject up (based on concerns), while keeping you anonymous
- address it at the command & staff, in the open so that it is out there (recommend addressing it on an open door meeting first)
- go through the BDE EOA (with the assurance you remain anonymous), get him/her to pressure the unit leadership to get win compliance
- you also have your local IG....
As a Noncommissioned Officer, what are you doing at your level, for your Soldiers, to foster a positive climate? As a Staff Sergeant, you have the responsibility to your Soldiers to FOSTER a positive command presence. You are at the SQUAD level. You cannot control what happens at the battalion level. If you are assigned as a PSG, then you need to address your issues with your 1SG. Throwing the entire battalion command team under the bus, is not going to look good. EVER.
You say your Soldiers feel like the command could care less about them. Do you mean because your battalion goes to the field for training more than other battalions? Or do you mean your battalion / company works later than others? You left a lot of substantial information from your post.
A command climate survey will only work if the command puts the 'perceived' shortcomings into action and tries to address them with positive outcome. Otherwise, it's up to the NCOs in your unit to right the wrong.
Do you have any idea how the Inspector General works? I.G. will call your 1SG/CSM and CDR / BN CDR and tell they received a call from a Soldier / Soldiers spouse from your unit. The company / BN leadership will tell I.G. thanks for the call and they will look into it. The Company / BN leadership must send I.G. a response within 14 days as to the action takin for addressing the original complaint. In most cases, the issue is addressed and fixed the same day.
Handle what you can at your level. Remember, you are the backbone of the Army, and you lead by example.
You say your Soldiers feel like the command could care less about them. Do you mean because your battalion goes to the field for training more than other battalions? Or do you mean your battalion / company works later than others? You left a lot of substantial information from your post.
A command climate survey will only work if the command puts the 'perceived' shortcomings into action and tries to address them with positive outcome. Otherwise, it's up to the NCOs in your unit to right the wrong.
Do you have any idea how the Inspector General works? I.G. will call your 1SG/CSM and CDR / BN CDR and tell they received a call from a Soldier / Soldiers spouse from your unit. The company / BN leadership will tell I.G. thanks for the call and they will look into it. The Company / BN leadership must send I.G. a response within 14 days as to the action takin for addressing the original complaint. In most cases, the issue is addressed and fixed the same day.
Handle what you can at your level. Remember, you are the backbone of the Army, and you lead by example.
Talk to the inspector generals office. Tell them your concerns and ask what the best way to bring this up to your chain of command is. If enough Soldiers lodge complaints, the IG's office can recommend to the commander that he conduct a survey.
SFC (Join to see)
I've already initiated a plan of action. As an EOL, I spoke with my EOA about the matter, and he has been helping me. But thank you CSM, I appreciate the advice
SGT(P) (Join to see)
I have always had problems sending any soldier of mine to IG, always seems like they are supportive of the chain of command regardless the fault. And IG will use your name when they talk to the unit even if you demand anonymity.
CSM James Winslow
I think you are misunderstanding the role and function of the IG. The IG is not to give the Soldier an alternative solution or a better deal. He is there to ensure that the regulations and policies specific to the Soldiers’ problem were applied correctly. It is up to you, SGT (Promotable), to explain to the Soldier how and why the decision was made. I suggest you look into AR 20-1, Para 1-4 to see just what it is the IG does. As for the alleged breach of confidentiality, I do not believe the whole story is being told here. There must have been something else going on. There is an entire section in the same AR (Para 1-12) and extending over several pages that deals with IG confidentiality. IMHO, before you start lambasting the IG and claiming they don’t support the Soldier you check yourself and see if you are supporting your chain of command. I am of the opinion that if mid-grade leaders such as yourself would take more time explaining to Soldiers how the Army works and how these decisions are made rather than letting someone else do it, a large number of IG visits would not be necessary.
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