Posted on Jun 17, 2015
Can there be a breach of contract with the military?
I signed a contract with the navy saying my job was one thing. And about a week ago they made me unwillingly change jobs. I was wondering if I could declared a breach in contact and use that to get a DD form 3068 filed out? Since the navy didn't hold up their end of the contract.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 27
There is always the fine print that, at the end of the day, you are there for the needs of the Navy.
1LT William Clardy

The Bohican Prayer | RallyPoint
Oh mighty Saint Bohica, patron saint of the Infantry, who dwelleth in Washington, immersed in service records, requisitions, red tape and all of the other sacred impedimenta which surroundeth Armies both in time of peace and in times of war, hallowed be thy name. Grant us this day our promotions and forgive us our profiles. Guide us on the path of righteousness by thy all-knowing Army, Corps, and Division regulations and unit SOPs. Strike with...
There's always an instruction to explain in great detail job descriptions and such. This is going to fall under the needs of the Navy, regardless of NEC and rate, each pay grade has a basic job description as well as rate specific and NEC specific duties. So before you complain to anyone, educate yourself, use the chain of command, and be respectful, ypu may just have to bide your time til a position your want opens and then you can fill it. It's like on the ship, all junior enlisted, usually E4 and below serve on the mess decks, galley, scullery, and laundry for 3 months or so, then they report to their respective divisions. Hope this helps.
PO3 Jody Wangen
that is called TAD. it is not the same as not getting the job when where promised in writing when you enlisted.
SCPO Lee Pradia
PO3, I'm not going to argue with you. If you feel you've been wronged, then make sure you have your ducks in a row, use the COC, and see what happens. Good luck.
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