Posted on Mar 13, 2014
How many deployments do you have and what should be the limit with the amount of Soldiers being diagnosed with PTSD?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 2
I have a total of 50 months deployed, how much should it be limited....hmmm well since some Soldiers in WWII survived the entirety of the war in Europe (yes Band of Brothers) basically 2-4yrs straight with no break I dont think there should be a limit it should remain limitless as long as the Soldier or Servicemember is deemed physically and mentally competent to serve in a hostile or humanitarian environment. I beleive in the nature of which PTSD is diagnosed what I dont like is the "FAKERS" who really dont need it and claim it as a medical problem to receive benefits. There are many that need it and a few "BAD APPLES" will develop in any program. Depending upon the nature of the occupation and circumstances as all things relative it would really depend upon docotrs competently weeding out the FAKERS and enforcing th estandards I have known allot of Soldiers who have claimed missions that were never there or assigned with the unit yet they play out these Hollywood like scenarios and really do themselves believe it. If you want to be a Servicemember and receive benefits beyond the civilian capacity then as a Servicemember I accept responsibility and waive rights to be subjected to harsh and climatical environments. PTSD can be a car accident or a death in a family according to the medical fields. How relevant is that to combat deployments...?????
I had 2 deployments, missed a third by a day, tried to reenlist and my battle buddies threatened to lock my in a closet until they deployed. Told me to go home for them. Anyway, PTSD presents differently in everyone and a deployment affects people differently as well. I think a useful tool WOULD have been (I say would because the ops tempo is winding down) to have a way for soldiers who wish to stay in but need counseling or a breather from deployments to go to non-deployable units for a year or 2 to recooperate. This would obviously be logistically difficult but at the same time I know there are guys out there who wanted to be permanently deployed so I think it would even out. While I have PTSD it never affected me while on deployment and I think that whether someone is capable of deploying because of PTSD would have to be decided on an individual basis
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