Posted on Jun 17, 2015
What is with all the derogatory statements from higher ranks?
Okay, I am curious why is it, retired or active, military think it is okay to post derogatory or personal attacks on the internet where lower ranking military can see this. To me it is disrespectful to the branches, people, and lower ranks, but I want to see if I am out of line or not.
Share your thoughts RP!!!
Share your thoughts RP!!!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
I believe that no matter what rank or status we should all be very respectful of each other in our comments and posts. If I've ever said anything to offend someone I would like to apologize now. I don't think I have, but just in case! I make it a practice to always be respectful in any of my comments even if I don't agree with something. Its just good manners. If I have an issue with something I usually keep it to myself and not post anything that would hurt someone's feelings! We are brothers and sisters her of a special group of individuals that the entire world and public can't all say they are a part of. Let's take care of each other and keep this site as professional as possible! Great question and observation SrA Johnathan Kropke
Col Joseph Lenertz
Totally agree, COL Mikel J. Burroughs . Personal attacks are unacceptable. Please don't be afraid to call it out. If I make that mistake, please call me out on it, and if others do, we can police it together. RP cannot be allowed to descend into cyber blog hell. The professionalism we all maintain is the only reason I am here.
I agree that it is completely inappropriate and should not occur - ever. But the rank should have nothing to do with it - it's not right for ANY rank! :-) We ALL need to carry ourselves as professionals and behave to a higher standard - because we ARE the best military in the world - some of us just need to believe it!
SrA Johnathan Kropke
I agree that it is the duty of all ranks, I just have seen it more with higher ranks, just annoying I guess. :)
Thanks for the support Chief.
Thanks for the support Chief.
This isn't just from higher ranks, for some reason there are people in this world (and on RallyPoint) who decided that you deserve to be personally bashed if you have a difference in opinion. I'm not sure if it doesn't make sense to them on why your opinion is different, whether they are intolerant to these differences or what?
If anything it reflects very poorly on themselves, and I wish they would stick to evidence-based and logical arguments, over personal attacks and childish name calling. It would also do them good to remember that RallyPoint isn't exactly private, and social media has been more frequently looked at when applying for jobs in the civilian sector.
It would definitely be great to have an environment with intellectual respectful debates, rather than some of the debates I have seen going on. The political and religious topics are by far the worst, and unless the discussion specifically calls for it I do not think those who have nothing to add to the discussion should be responding to it just to attack your religious or political beliefs. It would be amazing it more RallyPoint Administrators identified these bad actors and kindly asked them not to stop causing problems in what should be an otherwise healthy discussion.
If anything it reflects very poorly on themselves, and I wish they would stick to evidence-based and logical arguments, over personal attacks and childish name calling. It would also do them good to remember that RallyPoint isn't exactly private, and social media has been more frequently looked at when applying for jobs in the civilian sector.
It would definitely be great to have an environment with intellectual respectful debates, rather than some of the debates I have seen going on. The political and religious topics are by far the worst, and unless the discussion specifically calls for it I do not think those who have nothing to add to the discussion should be responding to it just to attack your religious or political beliefs. It would be amazing it more RallyPoint Administrators identified these bad actors and kindly asked them not to stop causing problems in what should be an otherwise healthy discussion.
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