Posted on Feb 12, 2022
Can Prior Service get an 18x contract? Also, can prior service retake the asvab?
My recruiter told me I cannot retake the asvab but I’m not sure if that sounds right I thought after it’s been 2 years you can retake it and also been wondering if prior service can get into the 18x program as well.
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 7
There's no rule to taking the ASVAB other than you have to wait six months between tests. However, USAREC has a policy that they won't retest someone who has a qualifying score. So, unless you're in the NG and want to use a DOD testing facility on a base to retake the ASVAB, you're stuck with the scores you have.
That actually works in your favor of preventing you from making a major mistake. Do not take an 18X contract. You will sign on for five years, most likely fail at some point, and get pushed over to the 82nd as an 11B1P. It happens so often that it's a running joke that the 18X is the best recruiting tool for the 82nd.
Take whatever job you would like to do if you don't make it through SF. Then volunteer for SFAS when you get to your first duty station. If you pass, great. You reenlist for five years for the course and get a bonus when you graduate. If you fail, you go back the the job you wanted and you didn't obligate yourself to a five year contract when you first enlisted.
That actually works in your favor of preventing you from making a major mistake. Do not take an 18X contract. You will sign on for five years, most likely fail at some point, and get pushed over to the 82nd as an 11B1P. It happens so often that it's a running joke that the 18X is the best recruiting tool for the 82nd.
Take whatever job you would like to do if you don't make it through SF. Then volunteer for SFAS when you get to your first duty station. If you pass, great. You reenlist for five years for the course and get a bonus when you graduate. If you fail, you go back the the job you wanted and you didn't obligate yourself to a five year contract when you first enlisted.
SGM Jeff Mccloud
Unless that other MOS you wanted was 11B, then you have a fast track to SFAS, and if you fail, you're in the 82nd at Bragg and don't have to travel when you go back to SFAS for another shot.
Your recruiter is correct that you can retake the ASVAB after two years, but approval may vary by branch.
Regarding the 18X program, prior service members can typically apply, but specific eligibility requirements may vary. It's best to consult a recruiter specializing in Special Forces for accurate information. If you have doubts, consider reaching out to another recruiter or MEPS for clarification.
Regarding the 18X program, prior service members can typically apply, but specific eligibility requirements may vary. It's best to consult a recruiter specializing in Special Forces for accurate information. If you have doubts, consider reaching out to another recruiter or MEPS for clarification.
A simple google search of “prior service rules for 18x” would provide you with all the info required
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