Posted on Jan 27, 2022
SFC Ait Instructor
Another E-7 brought it up to my attention that the wind jacket is only authorized for the field. I have been to 4 different duty stations and not once did a CSM tell me that I can't wear the wind jacket in garrison. I tried searching AR 670-1 but it only covers the black wind jacket worn with the ASU's. If anyone knows the answer and where I can find it, I would greatly appreciate it
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Responses: 2
SFC Retention Operations Nco
That's some of that urban legend crap. I had an E7, who had just left the trail as a Drill Sergeant, tell me that we aren't authorized to wear our gloves without our hats during PT.

That's SFC is probably just parroting what they heard at their last duty station. Just like some places allow you to wear a fleece hat when it's cold and others don't the Commander is the one who decides which uniform is authorized and which isn't.
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Exactly. Too many soldiers unnecessarily add to the regulations because they don't like how something looks or at best they are confusing a prior local restriction with Army wide regulation.

I think the fleece looks like a gorilla costume. I've never restricted soldiers from wearing it.
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CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
Ah yes. Reminds me of when we were finally able to wear the fleece cap while in ACU. Walking to the DFAC on COB Speicher, the BDE CSM 'complimented' me on my hat by saying "Nice hat, Chief".
I said 'Keeping warm, CSM!' and went in to get my breakfast.
This was the same CSM that was in Stars and Stripes and Army Times for forcing people to wear the current unit patch as their SSI-FWS.
And now here we are with a ton of mandatory training and some people just can't comprehend that things change.
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