Posted on Jun 14, 2015
CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
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Responses: 16
CW3 Technical Supply Oic
I think so 100%. More good guys armed = more bullets in people trying to do what Maj Hasan did. We have carried our weapons for the past 10+ years in the fwd locations, I dont see why it is not a good idea here.
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LTC Kevin B.
Seems like an easy answer at first, but keep in mind that this policy change would also put weapons into the hands of latent service members with the mindset of Nidal Hasan, Aaron Alexis, and Hasan Akbar. While having service members being armed could minimize the damage of individual incidents, putting weapons into the hands of more people just might lead to more incidents. The net effect may or may not be positive. I'm not advocating against this idea; I'm just saying that 2nd and 3rd order effects also need to be considered.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
>1 y
Exactly LTC Kevin B. people don't think of the third order of effects some times.
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. I think I got your point, but may have convoluted the issue with my answer. So I will try to qualify my remarks.
It's true that restricting access will NOT make us safer. It's also true that more access will ALSO not make us safer. I also would opt to carry, as I do every day in civilian life.

I feel that that sums up what I tried to say in fewer words. How did I do, Sir
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
TSgt David L.,

Yes, that's more clear, and our clarifications show that we're actually on the same page. I think we're also on the same page regarding some people should not be driving or breeding!
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
>1 y
Roger that, LTC Kevin B.! Unfortunately there are no stupid people breeding laws on the books. That would put most of Congress on their proverbial asses! We'll have to work on that. Thanks for your input, Sir.
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1SG Special Forces Senior Sergeant
Based on my MOS, training, the amount of guns I own, and being a concealed carry license holder I want to say yes, absolutely. However, there is a huge BUT coming. Based on the fact that I am on month 10 of my 1SG time in Afghanistan at a senior level staff and I have seen close to 10 negligent discharges makes me say absolutely not without some other form of approval/training.

Here is an example why with a little background info. I work on a staff that isn't a unit, it only exists here in theater and is both Joint and Coalition. Though a SOF headquarters the majority fills are conventional staff Officers/NCOS and there are plenty of reservists. We have Berettas as well as Glock 19s for sidearms along with some Sigs and 1911s.

"Hey 1SG, I want to swap my Beretta for a Glock"
"I like the Glock better and the guy I replaced had one."
"So? Have you been trained and or qualified on it?"
"Well, I own one and I've shot it before."
"So you want me to give you a pistol you haven't been trained on that you don't have organic to your unit because you own one and like it?"
"Well, yeah."
"Get out of my office."

So, Chief, while it makes total sense you and I it has such disaster potential when you factor in negligence and entitlement.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) I totally agree that if this would happen only certain members be allowed to carry. But then you are going to run into blue on blue when an active shooter happens because law enforcement doesn't know who is the active shooter.
SGT Wilson Dickey
SGT Wilson Dickey
>1 y
SGM Wettstien, with proper training both for CCL and MPs this is almost a non factor. I am from Texas and cannot remember the last time a CCL holder was shot by responding LEO. The catch in my opinion is in the training and peramiters you have for CCL. Also....99% of all active shooter situations happen in gun free zones. This is because these cowards pick somewhere that no one else is armed. Think about theater, elementary school, army processing station. All gun free zones.
1LT Voyle Smith
1LT Voyle Smith
>1 y
You have nailed the issue precisely, SGT Dickey. We as a society are most vulnerable in our houses of worship, our schools and corporate and government offices. And the bad guys are probably very much aware of that.
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